VW Camper Family

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Thanksgiving Food Fest Rio Vista, California

Event Details

Thanksgiving Food Fest Rio Vista, California

Time: November 14, 2014 at 2pm to November 16, 2014 at 11am
Location: Sandy Beach Park Rio Vista, California on the Delta
Street: 2333 Beach Dr.
City/Town: Rio Vista, California 94597
Website or Map: http://www.co.solano.ca.us/de…
Phone: 707-374-2097
Event Type: campout
Organized By: Mike Fernandez
Latest Activity: Nov 18, 2014

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Event Description

Pricing info $30.00 per nite. Seniors $18.00 per nite. Additional vehicles $10.00 per nite. Dogs $1.00 per nite. Book soon as they will fill up fast. We will have an enormous food fest Saturday night - potluck featuring Thanksgivings fixings that people bring to the table. All the sites have power for cooking, keeping warm, lights ect.

Comment Wall

Comment by Bruce on November 16, 2014 at 1:22pm

I needed this event, thanks to you all for joining me in the toast to my dad. Apologies for not being sociable this morning and leaving so soon... just felt I needed to be home and tend to my mom (I am a worry wart like both of my parents :)

Comment by Laura May on November 16, 2014 at 2:19pm

What a blur - so happy I was able to make it for part of the weekend. Good times, great people and oh so fabulous food. Thanks for all the love you gave to Finn, Colt and the big welcome to Willow. Wish I would have had more time to just sit and chat and catch up with everyone. Next time for sure! Thankful to have all of you as friends. I am always so happy to share time with each and every one of you. 

Comment by regis101 on November 16, 2014 at 2:46pm

Not a bad venue.  Easy to get to and close for lots of Volks.

Gonna have to work on the muffler for the pump station and get a left handed stink shifter for the waste plant, but hey, a coupla cocktails, some laughter and a J. Prine song or four makes all the bad go away.

Fire tender.  Fire tender.  Toss another log.

A humble bow to all of you.  

Comment by Philip & Diana Harvey on November 16, 2014 at 4:50pm

Thanks All.....

Thanks Jon for all the camping stuff you so willingly bring and share, always makes these events the more comfortable and camp-like. Regis for the knock-down drag-out and ultimate victory with the bird..Bruce for the Tequila education, Joe as always for the VW Technical Clinics, and all other's efforts/side dishes, bottles of adult beverages, wood, etc, etc, to make this one grand event.


We'll start revving up for and get 2nd-Annual-Soup-or-Bowl-Chili-Cook-Off -Weekend, Listed for January30,31 and Sunday Feb.1 2015...

Any one opposed to Sandy Beach for Location???? Open to suggestions but this venue is hard to beat no?

Blessings Philip & Diana

Comment by Philip & Diana Harvey on November 16, 2014 at 5:15pm

This is Diana..one more thing... For those of you that are able to attend this shindig I'd like to offer you a gift. If  you'd like, I'd like to take photo portraits of you, your partner, dogs, what ever prop you'd like to use, while standing in front / side of your rig. I'm hoping for fair weather but plan to shoot rain or shine. Bruce, maybe you could be my assistant (your such a great photographer!)

I've grown quite fond of you all and want to express my gratitude with this gift. Thank you all for your friendship and wonderful experiences! Diana

Comment by Bruce on November 16, 2014 at 5:40pm

Sure i can help... and just reserved my spot for the Chili Bowl Cook Off

Comment by Mike Fernandez on November 16, 2014 at 6:49pm
Thank you to everyone who came and made this camp out great and for making all that wonderful food. A big thank you to John for the tent and cooking the bird oh and did I mention the awesome salt potatoes! Regis your he man for bringing the bird and keeping it cold for safe coconsuconsumpeverand keeping the fire hot. Vw campers are the nicest campers ever!!
Comment by Mike Fernandez on November 16, 2014 at 6:52pm
Oops consumption!
Comment by Philip & Diana Harvey on November 16, 2014 at 6:56pm

Regis is the official "Fire Keeper":)

Comment by Bruce on November 16, 2014 at 7:00pm

Tip of the hat to Mike the Mechanic... here's how Joe fixes his van.


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