VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

This is in response to an email I received, that said that Ned Zoller was asking for something that would make putting the popup top easier to pop.  I hunted for his post here, but couldn't find it.

I have the upper-body strength of your average seven-year-old.  No way was I able to pop our top.  Then we installed gas struts that we got from this guy:

It's *amazing*!  S had wondered whether, even with struts, I'd be able to lift the top.  But at Mark's recommendation we installed the standard rather than the high-power struts, and I have no problem now lifting the top.

He had an ad on the Samba list for a while.  I hunted for it but couldn't find it.  But if you email him you may be able to get a set of struts.  You do have to drill through the pop top, which can be a bit scary.  Just remember to measure twice and cut once.

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Here are links to two different sources for pop-top struts. The ones I have are the Samba ones. It looks like may be the GoWesty ones don't require drilling through the poptup.




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