VW Camper Family

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As I'm sure most of you are well aware, the state of Colorado is experiencing some major wildfires this summer.  One unfortunate result of that is a statewide campfire ban that does not look to be ending any time soon. I'm looking for any ideas or suggestions on how to make camping fun when you don't have the option for a campfire. I have to say, my initial reaction to this was negative. Camping with no fire? That's just not natural.

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I have to agree. Southern California fires in the past has done the same thing in regards to no fires. It was not a state wide thing but it affected many camping areas. No suggestions on how to make it more fun. You might have to invent something. Sitting around the LED lantern.

Keeping camping


I am also in Colorado so I've been experiencing similar issues...

I dont know where it falls as far as the law goes but have you considered something like this...


might at least give the illusion of a campfire fire without the fuss of possible mass destruction

That thing is awesome.  I just might get one.  Good lookin' out.

Yeah I thought seemed pretty cool! Ordered one myself so I'll let people know how it works!

For a cheap home made stealth fire, visit my channel at... youtube.com/user/grizzleypeak
Stealth Campfire is the name of the video... Works pretty good...


Let's see. What did we do with no campfire. There was some guitar playing. Maizy and I decorated our camp site with glow sticks. The moon happened to be really bright both nights, so there was a lot of gazing at that. All in all, it wasn't so bad without a campfire. Plus we saved weight in the bus not having to pack firewood.  Not having to haul the wood made it so we could 32 mph up the steep grades, an upgrade from the normal 3o mph. :)  We replaced s'mores by just giving the kids graham crackers, marshmallows, and little pieces of chocolate to munch on. The girls ran around with their flashlights. The point being, camping really is still fun if you can't have a fire . 

I recommend a kerosene lantern. Very low tech and will only set you back about $30.

Good to see your smilin' vace on that vid, see ya at the burn...Jordan

Swiftriver said:

For a cheap home made stealth fire, visit my channel at... youtube.com/user/grizzleypeak
Stealth Campfire is the name of the video... Works pretty good...


There's this similar item as well. We have been considering one because the base seemed more stable (plus is has little tree cutouts!), although there is something to be said for the metal lid that the Little Red sports.


- Randy

Hi- Ive spent many nights in afghanistan with friends setting around disposable glow stick "fires"(chemlights). Everybody brought their own glow stick and threw them in the pile and usually someone would bring a guitar- good times and they "burn" for hours.

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