VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

Well, this is a bummer.

Everybus has been the largest East Coast Campout for the past ten or eleven years.  Nearly 200 buses have shown up sometimes.

Anyway, the host is stepping down this year.  It has been weird, and as of now, our community doesn't know if anyone is going to pick up where he is leaving off.  It will be sad if it ends in this manner.

Here are a few pictures.

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I hope it survives. Where was it held?

Keep us informed. I'm planning a trip to the East Coast this fall, and if it's on, I'd like to be there.
It's this weekend in Greensboro. We usually expect at least 150 buses. I'll come back with a trip report.

As far as your trip to the East Coast, we love it when bus drivers from outside of the region come to our campouts. Let me know what you have planned and keep an eye on the calendar at fullmoonbusclub.com

Most of our campouts are in the Southeast, but there are definitely Moonies putting on campouts all through the east out to the midwest.



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