VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

Greetings VW camper fam friends,

I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA this past year. Melinda, Sydney and I have been ramping up our shop here in SF, and the amount of camping time has become limited.

I wanted to shout out to you all because 5 weeks ago I was involved in a serious wreck in Homer, my ‘73 westfalia. I’m ok thankfully, I came out with two broken legs, but everything in tact.

So I don’t know exactly what happened, but I think my king pin in the front beam went. I was driving back home in the early evening after being down on the coast with a friend filming all day. I was coming right past ocean beach onto Fulton and The van pulled my abruptly and sharply into a parked vehicle. I couldn’t correct it.

Please check your steering components. We miss you all very much. If you’re in SF hit me up.



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hopefully all is well

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