VW Camper Family

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How can I add my blog to the members Blogs and Sites list?

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Simple - Just share it here, Brett will put it on the link.


Welcome to the family.

Thanks Peter:

Living The Dream - A Worldwide Odyssey



Appreciate it and hope you'll register and enjoy our travels with us.


In that case, here is mine:





Not much yet. Mostly set up so the PO of my bus can keep tabs on Doodle. She was pretty attached to him.

Steve & Wendi,

We've been reading about your trip, quite a bold adventure traveling through South America! Looking forward to starting our full-time trek in a year or two across the country. How long did you plan this trip?  Security & expenses seem to require the most attention. Thanks for shaing your travels!

We love all the information you post @ Living The Dream - A Worldwide Odyssey  www.rweethereyet.com.

PS  - Our prayers are with your son's safe return from his tour of duty as we pray for all those serving come home safely!

Hey Tom and Tammy.

Firstly, thanks for thinking of our son. We have received a few e-mails from him since he lost his platoon member, and he seems to be handling it well.

We are so pleased you have taken the time to reach back in the blog. Although we have been travelling for almost 14 months we did not start the blog until September. We had visited Mexico and 33 states before August 2010. One of these days we'll look back on our trip before that and journal that also.

Plan you say? Well our plan is to have no plan!! we always find things come along to change plans so why bother. We have driven in Mexico 3 years and our ambition was always to back pack around the world. We did backpack for 6 months in Asia almost a decade ago and enjoyed it, but we don't feel back packing is for us anymore. Wendi has some health issues that would make that very difficult. Which is why last winter while in Mexico with a trailer and SUV we decided to do it the VW Camper way. We purchased Pumper in August 2010 and sold our other toys.

I retired last year and Wendi is a photographic artist which provides a lot of flexibility, her link is on the blog. To be honest the safety stuff we find is exagerated. We have travelled extensively in Asia, Europe and of course North America. Only the bad things make the news and never anything about the thousands of travellers that never hit a snag. To be honest we feel safer in most places in Central America than we do in some large cities in the US. Tonight we'll be sleeping on a city street in Antigua Guatemala, and right now we are in a cafe on our computers.

Don't get me wrong, I think, I hope our years of travelling have provided us with some experience to make good choices. But that is not to say that we might not be mugged tonight or the bus could be broken into, it's a numbers game, and that could have happened anywhere as we were travelling around the US. I'm sure we will have some not so good things occur if  we travel for another 2 or 3 years. Hopefully they wont be too serious. We met a girl from Belgium today that had been robbed on a public bus so we are very aware there is always that potential.

Now the expense thing: well having our own bed on wheels and rarely paying for camping, we find travelling to be far cheaper than living in Ontario. We don't live lavishly when we travel which we feel adds to the experience of meeting and exploring different cultures. I figure everything included we are spending on average around $100/day. Now if Pumper needs a new engine or transmission at some point then I still feel over the long haul $100 is achievable. In fact the longer we take to circle the world then the cost per day will go down because gas and maintenance are significant parts of the expense.

We actually paid for camping for the last 11 days to have more freedom to leave Pumper, $2/day in San Pedro La Laguna, on Lake Atitlan. But, that's the first camp fee we have paid since last July!

Hope all this helps you to plan your trip and to Live Your Dreams.

Please stay in touch and let me know if there are any specifics you need to help you and sincerely hope our paths will cross on the road some day. If you register on the blog you'll get an e-mail each time we post something. Great having you on board.

All the best Steve and Wendi  

tom & tammy said:

Steve & Wendi,

We've been reading about your trip, quite a bold adventure traveling through South America! Looking forward to starting our full-time trek in a year or two across the country. How long did you plan this trip?  Security & expenses seem to require the most attention. Thanks for shaing your travels!

We love all the information you post @ Living The Dream - A Worldwide Odyssey  www.rweethereyet.com.

PS  - Our prayers are with your son's safe return from his tour of duty as we pray for all those serving come home safely!

Indeed. I am slow, but I am consistent. Or consistently slow... Your blogs are added. Thanks!

So you are Big Blue's driver... I have been wondering how I was getting hits on our website referred by Big Blue. I looked through your web site but couldn't see any contact info but I did see one of our blogs. Thanks, it's nice to meet you.

Enjoy your web page.


Big Blue's Driver said:

Indeed. I am slow, but I am consistent. Or consistently slow... Your blogs are added. Thanks!

Big Blue's Driver said:
Indeed. I am slow, but I am consistent. Or consistently slow... Your blogs are added. Thanks!

Dear Gloria Clementine - your blog is added.

Please add us to the list! Thanks!


www.rocketsulphur.blogspot.com is added. Cool site!

Can I be added too, please? :)


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