VW Camper Family

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TrainSpotting 7-2016: Northern California

Event Details

TrainSpotting 7-2016: Northern California

Time: June 3, 2016 to June 5, 2016
Location: Twain, CA off Highway 70 near Quincy
Street: Highway 70
City/Town: Twain, CA
Website or Map: http://www.recreation.gov/cam…
Event Type: campout
Organized By: westywoman (Melissa)
Latest Activity: Jun 6, 2016

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Event Description

All sites have been reserved as of March 8, 2016. Please look at the comment wall to see who might be willing to share their site. For information on the Hallsted campground, the recreation.gov link is below:

Hallsted Campground

The Historic Feather River Railroad route runs on the opposite side of the river from the campground. Trains climb and descend the grade at all hours-you will be falling asleep to the rumble of the diesel engines and the squeal of steel wheels on the tracks. If you have never driven through the Feather River Canyon, it is a real treat!

100 FREE things to do in Plumas County:


Those looking for hot springs can find them a couple miles up the road. Formerly known as "Woody's", they are now associated with an RV and cabin establishment. I think you need to call ahead and there is a $5 fee. Details here:



Comment Wall

Comment by westywoman (Melissa) on June 1, 2016 at 11:33am

Jamez-There are some really nice FREE camp sites not too far from the Twain Store. Enjoy!

Comment by westywoman (Melissa) on June 1, 2016 at 1:02pm

I just got off the phone with the new owner of the Twain Store. It sounds like they have made some good upgrades to what is carried there, as he put it "we now have real food and stuff that is not outdated". They have breakfast items and sandwiches for lunch. Bratwurst and beer. They have a frozen food section now. He can make salads if ordered ahead of time. He thanked me for the head's up and is looking forward to seeing us this weekend. Regis- that means you can shop for all your provisions right at the Twain Store! If you want to call them with any special requests, the owner's name is Matthew and the # is (530) 283-2130. 

Oh, and he used to drive a VW bus. Nice. I invited him to come visit with us.

Comment by Bruce on June 1, 2016 at 1:04pm

WTG ! Nice intell...

Comment by Kris Hansen on June 1, 2016 at 7:29pm

Unfortunately yet another work emergency is going to keep me away from going camping.  I was going to try to make it on Saturday, but just can't get away.  #18 is all paid for so please use it for anyone who would like it, my treat.  Hope you all have a wonderful time, I'm gonna miss you

Comment by westywoman (Melissa) on June 1, 2016 at 7:33pm

No Kris, say it ain't so! We had ice and cold beer for you! Darn, we will miss you. A spot for Brian to park in, thanks for the donation!

Comment by Bruce on June 1, 2016 at 7:36pm

Even flies don't drop out at the rate our campers are... :(

Comment by Bruce on June 2, 2016 at 9:54am
Lots of skeeters... bees and yellow jackets... bee prepared... I'm the first one hete
Comment by Bruce on June 2, 2016 at 9:54am
Lots of skeeters... bees and yellow jackets... bee prepared... I'm the first one hete
Comment by barbara sklar on June 2, 2016 at 10:48am

unfortunately I to must drop out....my dog 1s 16 years old and just going to be too hot for her.   Spot 6 is now empty

Comment by Bruce on June 2, 2016 at 11:39am
Brian... lots of open spots now


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