VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.


Maizy bought this swing from Swing Sets & More it worked really well. Penny loved it. We actually tied it up to a pine tree with some climbing rope. If anybody has any good ideas of how to attach a swing to a tree that is sturdy and safe, I'd love to hear it. 


Maizy is also heavily into Etsy a website that sells vintage everything. She found that Sesame Street T.V. there that plays Who Are The People In Your Neighborhood, music box style with a cool scrolling picture, as well as that old school Fisher Price camera back there. We also give Penny old digital cameras that are broken. She loves them. I wouldn't recommend taking the plastic wheeled walker, it just proved to be to frustrating for her to push it around. She needed something more sturdy.


If none of the million toys in that huge bag you brought tide them over, just baby proof the bus and turn em' loose. Works for me. 







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