A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.
Here's a suggested outline for introducing yourself to others in the group.
Look forward to getting to know you.
Hi, I'm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (name)
1. I own/drive a VW type .....
2. First VW purchase year
3. Location including country
4. Where you have driven in your VW
5. Where you have camped in your VW
6. Most fun moment(s)
7. What got you started in the VW world
8. What you most love about having a VW
9. What you'd like from this group
10. What you'd like to offer to this group
11. Your personal likes/dislikes or something else about you
12. Are you on Facebook? If yes, please post your name (a copy your page address, http:// ...is best), so we can find each other.
13. Anything else?
Hello, I am Grace
I have had my 1968 campmobile since 2002. I was 15 and I learned how to drive in my bus. My boyfriend and I recently rebuilt her engine for our first time last summer. We live in California but like to travel around and go camping as much as possible in the warmer months.
We have completed one crosscountry trip in the bus, both ways, once with the old engine, and once since it was rebuilt. We experienced several minor set backs along the way, but since learning to work on the bus, they are usually things we can fix ourselves in a short period of time. We camped out along the way, sometimes in the bus and sometimes outside, and we do a lot of camping in california around our hometown in the summer.
Funnest moments I can think of involve getting all of my friends in the back and driving around in the woods, camping and road trips. I love all the people you meet along the way when you drive an old hippy bus. People who come up and talk to you or help you out when you have car trouble, and they always have cool stories to tell about their bus they had back in the day.
I have been interested in VWs since I was a kid. I thought a vw bus would be the coolest vehicle ever when I was 10 so I bought it as soon as I was old enough to drive. Also VWs run in my family I guess you could say. I love that their so easy to work on.
Hi Grace, So lovely to hear from you. I'm so pleased that we met by chance at the McDonalds in Holbrook, Arizona, when you were going west back to California, and I was driving east to Massachusetts.
I guess you are too busy with your job at the ski resort to make the Buses by the Bridge meeting next month in Lake Havasu?
Hi, I'm Peg. I own Rita, a '75 Westie. We live in Eugene, OR. Been together since Aug. 2008. My first VW was a '74 Super Beetle that I purchased in 1981. I had a '68 Wolfsburg Beetle in 1993-94. I fell in love with air-cooled VWs at a young age. My dad drove a red '63 Beetle when i was a kid. We took a road trip in July to North Carolina. I sweltered in the back seat with a drooling Golden Retriever. I now own a VW AND a Golden Retriever!
I mostly camp in the Oregon Cascades and along the coast. This past summer I did a bit of camping in the Washington Cascades.
I am on Facebook: Peg Freas Gearhart
Hi Peg, I just happened to be on-line when you joined just now. So happy to see you as you were one of the first women to reply to my initial post on the discussion forum asking how many women had VWs!
I love your VW photo and the story of how you got started, golden retriever and all.
Please feel free to start any new topics on the discussion forum. I'll look for you on Facebook and let me know if you like the idea of a group phone call in January. It seems hard to get replies to questions here; I think members do not always have their email notifications switched on to see when they get messages.
Cheers for now - it's way past my bedtime over here in MA.
Unfortunately I am, but even if I wasn't the bus needs some work before I'm willing to drive it out of state again. Wish I could make it though, I just saw it on facebook and it looks like a lot of fun! I'm going to be taking some classes here in tahoe, so my schedule is pretty full right now. Hope everyone has a good time there!
Hi Grace, So lovely to hear
I guess you are too busy with your job at the ski resort to make the Buses by the Bridge meeting next month in Lake Havasu?
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