VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

Here's a suggested outline for introducing yourself to others in the group. 

Look forward to getting to know you.

Hi, I'm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (name)

1. I own/drive a VW type .....

2. First VW purchase year

3. Location including country

4. Where you have driven in your VW

5. Where you have camped in your VW

6. Most fun moment(s)

7. What got you started in the VW world

8. What you most love about having a VW

9. What you'd like from this group

10. What you'd like to offer to this group

11. Your personal likes/dislikes or something else about you

12. Are you on Facebook? If yes, please post your name (a copy your page address, http:// ...is best), so we can find each other.

13. Anything else?

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Hello everyone,
I'm Carole Brown, owner and driver of the YesWeCan CamperVan, or Dexter (named by previous and first owner, also female).
My VW is a 1971 Bay window Westfalia. 1971 is the last year of the 1600cc engine and small rear lights; first year of disc brakes. A good year apparently.
Currently garaged at friend's home in Millbury, central Massachusetts, USA for the winter. I'm between Millbury and my condo in Provincetown, Cape Cod, which I'm hoping to sell.

In December 2009, I collected my van from the eBay seller (a dealer) and drove 10,000 miles between Oregon and Massachusetts, spending 5 of the 6.5 month journey in California. I camped with other VWs at club events and overnighted free wherever I could; see my blog for where we stayed (http://yeswecanjourney.wordpress.com pages Route, Thanks & Travel tips).

Most fun? So many of examples. I guess it's the SLOW DRAG race at the Spring Fling event held by the Orange Empire Bus Company near Corona, California on 1st Sunday in May. We came 2nd in the 2010 race. Watch the youtube video of the final here.

What got me started was a reunion with cousins in the UK in August 2009, some of whom had VW vans and buses.
What I love most about my camper van is that it's like the dog I don't yet have: it introduces me to other people who are always nice (like you) AND it makes others (and me) smile! My THANKS page on my blog makes me smile very time I read it; the people who befriended my and my VW van on the road between OR and MA were wonderful. When I set off, I knew only three people I was going to visit. I could never have imagined all the new friends that were ahead.

I'd like this group to be about supporting each one of us with our dreams related to our VWs, building confidence for our travels, and giving us connections across the USA and around the world. I'd also like to gain more understanding of my VW and ways to keep it in tip top condition.
What I can bring to this group is my initiative for starting new things; my energy and enthusiasm, skills in social media, blog design, writing and photography; and my strange British sense of humour.

Something about me: I dreamed of coming to America yet never knew it would take 15 years for my green card (which allows me to live and work in USA). During all those years I flew back and forth countless times, living half a year in Massachusetts and half in England. Now I'm here, I'm ready to start my life over. At the age of 55 it's a bit of a challenge! My YesWeCan road trip in 2010 was to inspire me and others to follow our dreams.

I'm on Facebook as The YesWeCan CamperVan and Carole Brown
ALSO PLEASE JOIN ME HERE at the YesWeCan Journey blog

I can't wait to meet you all!

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Ok, I'll send you a friend request and go from there.

Belinda said:

Sounds awesome! How do I find you on Facebook? Here's my page...  https://www.facebook.com/PIKAKE 

 Hi, my name is Carol & I don't actually own my own bus at the moment but am saving for her. Looking for a 70-71 camper. I live in Tucson, AZ but am originally from Huntington, WV.

 I am a member of the Tucson Bus Mob. I am a sort of honorary member right now b/c my best friend owns a bus named Jayne & I have done much camping in her as well as have had to help work on her, get under her to pump transmission fluid in her & run along side of the passenger door while push starting her then having to jump in as she does!! ( Her nickname is "Little Miss Sunshine"!!)

 I have had my 1st driving lesson in Jayne to get ready for my own bus & today I actually drove Carole Brown's bus The Yes We Can Camper Van!! So, I feel I've earned the right to claim myself as a VW person :) Oh, & owned a bug in my 20's!! I am an avid camper & am looking forward to my 1st camp out in my very own bus!!  I plan to do much travelling in her, so we will need to be very compatible :)  

 Glad to know there are VW ladies as well as many folks out there who love the bus life. Looking forward to having stories to share. My 1st Bus Gathering was at the 2nd annual Red Barn Roundup near Chirco's in Tucson, put on by the Bus Mob, and am excited to be going to my 1st BBB at Lake Havasu here in AZ Jan 13th!!  

 Look forward to reading some of your stories here as well. 

 See you more in the future!!  ;)

Hi Tara, my name is Carol & I am from Huntington!!  I live in Tucson, AZ now. Just filled out my intro post today! You were the first person's post I saw! How funny to find a fellow West Virginian! Where in WV?  Congrats on your camper!!  :)

Tara Mathews said:

Hello everyone! My name is Tara. I own a 1986 Vanagon Westfalia camper, purchased in May of this year, 2010. I live in West Virginia, US. We haven’t driven her really anywhere yet, except down the road around home. We did make a small trip down to the riverbank (less than a 2 minute drive perhaps) and camped there one night over summer. We pulled her into the garage to begin the major overhaul on 10/10/10 and I would have to say the most fun moment was 2 weekends ago when we first really dug into working on her. It is all completely new to me, as I know nothing about vehicles, body or mechanical, and this is my first VW! I find it all so exciting & I love getting to know my van better with every step! What started me in the VW world is, well, who wouldn’t want one of these beauties?! Seriously! Owning my own seemed like only a dream that I would never make into reality. But a friend of the family had a couple old ones sitting around for years and finally decided to get rid of them for a decent price. So my boyfriend bought it as an anniversary gift to us. Wonderful gift, by the way! What I love most is the whole experience and the journey ahead! From this group, I look to have people to talk to about our VWs of course, to discuss and get opinions! I hope to learn a lot from you all! As I am still fairly new to the wide world of VW, I don’t have a whole lot to offer right now except for just personal experiences as I go on. I like, obviously, VWs, camping, laughter (x a million!) and good times with great people, and many many other things of course! I dislike negativity, drama, and confrontation. I am on Facebook and would love to add you all as friends on there! I am under the same name, but I’m not sure if I show up in a general search with my privacy settings, so just let me know.

My VWs story: I consider my van to be quite the lady and so I always refer to it as a she. Haha! It’s true though, and she is called Sandy. She has spent the last 9 years just sitting outside! Just out in the weather exposed to all elements & critters, without maintenance. Interior is nearly perfect, but the body not so much. In her early life she spent several years in Florida, a lot of time on the beach. And there’s plenty of nice rusty evidence of that. We’re fixing her up right though! My boyfriend’s dad does body work, and he has been busy moving right along with all repairs. After Florida, and before her time as a stagnant lawn ornament, a lovely couple (the family friend) drove her & loved her! She was valued as a camp machine, a party palace, and the family wagon! The couple & their family had many great times and made many wonderful memories with that van. Sadly, the wife got cancer, and passed on. It was after that when the van was retired. Everyone who knew her said she would be so happy to see us owning it & working on it & pleased to have in the hands of a nice young couple with years of memories to be made! So that is where she gets her name, Sandy, after the previous owner.

It is estimated that she will be ready to go by Spring & I absolutely cannot wait for our first camping trip!!!

Something fun: A friend of ours has a beautiful red ’77 bay window camper, and my boy’s cousin has a baby blue ’81 Vanagon. We all live right near one another, so when we have get-togethers we like to call it the “MBA” Muttontown Bus Association. Haha!

Hi Belinda, Finally I go to California! Just added you to the Facebook VW Women group - enjoy!

Carole & the 'YesWeCanCamperVan' said:

Ok, I'll send you a friend request and go from there.

Welcome Robin, 
Apologies for such a long delay, but I have been driving across country in my 1971 Westy from Cape Cod to California (see http://vw4causes.org) and I have been blogging and on facebook as much as possible and not had the time to visit here  for a while. Somehow I missed seeing you and Cat but had replied to Belinda.  

How have you been doing with your Westy?

While I am still here in California, I would love to hear from you as to any meetings you plan to attend and maybe we can arrange one of our own. 

After a poll earlier last year, I set up a parallel group of Facebook, which is a little different to this group in that it is totally private and anything written is seen only by members. On facebook we have 67 members some of whom have listed their addresses and phone numbers. If you'd like to join, please send me a friend invitation (http://www.facebook.com/carole.brown1) in order that I can then invite you to join the group. My email is caroleiod@gmail.com if you'd like to email me about opportunities to meet up or make a suggestion here by creating a new discussion topic. Hope to hear from you again.
Cheers, Carole 

Oh almost forgot, my VW is called The YesWeCan CamperVan on Facebook. I'd love to join and follow our road trips (http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-YesWeCan-CamperVan/203679777444

Robin said:

Hi, I'm Robin, & I am the new owner of a 1970 VW Westie which I have affectionately named Velma (just because she reminds of the Mystery Machine). I live in Alhambra, CA. Our biggest trek so far was the drive home after I picked her up from the PO in central CA. Looking forward to taking her out camping soon!

Hi Cat, I am sorry for somehow missing your message last year. You wrote in after I'd been on the road a couple of weeks and after 3 months I finally made it to California in my 1971 Westy from Cape Cod to California (see http://vw4causes.org

I am going to repeat what I said to Robin ...  it's so interesting to hear your stories. We all love our VWs and they seem to have created a new zest to life. While I am still here in California, I would love to hear from you as to any meetings you plan to attend and maybe we can arrange one of our own. After I'd bought my VW in Oregon I drove thru NorCal on my way to MA. Whereabouts are you?

In addition to this group, I set up a parallel group of Facebook, which is a little different to this group in that it is totally private and anything written is seen only by members. On facebook we have 67 members some of whom have listed their addresses and phone numbers. If you'd like to join, please send me a friend invitation (http://www.facebook.com/carole.brown1) in order that I can then invite you to join the group. My email is caroleiod@gmail.com if you'd like to email me about opportunities to meet up or make a suggestion here by creating a new discussion topic. Hope to hear from you again.
Cheers, Carole 

Oh almost forgot, my VW is called The YesWeCan CamperVan on Facebook. I'd love to join and follow our road trips (http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-YesWeCan-CamperVan/203679777444

Thanks for the FB friend add Carole. Let me know how I can join the other FB group.


Carole & the 'YesWeCanCamperVan' said:

Welcome Robin, 
Apologies for such a long delay, but I have been driving across country in my 1971 Westy from Cape Cod to California (see http://vw4causes.org) and I have been blogging and on facebook as much as possible and not had the time to visit here  for a while. Somehow I missed seeing you and Cat but had replied to Belinda.  

How have you been doing with your Westy?

While I am still here in California, I would love to hear from you as to any meetings you plan to attend and maybe we can arrange one of our own. 

After a poll earlier last year, I set up a parallel group of Facebook, which is a little different to this group in that it is totally private and anything written is seen only by members. On facebook we have 67 members some of whom have listed their addresses and phone numbers. If you'd like to join, please send me a friend invitation (http://www.facebook.com/carole.brown1) in order that I can then invite you to join the group. My email is caroleiod@gmail.com if you'd like to email me about opportunities to meet up or make a suggestion here by creating a new discussion topic. Hope to hear from you again.
Cheers, Carole 

Oh almost forgot, my VW is called The YesWeCan CamperVan on Facebook. I'd love to join and follow our road trips (http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-YesWeCan-CamperVan/203679777444

Robin said:

Hi, I'm Robin, & I am the new owner of a 1970 VW Westie which I have affectionately named Velma (just because she reminds of the Mystery Machine). I live in Alhambra, CA. Our biggest trek so far was the drive home after I picked her up from the PO in central CA. Looking forward to taking her out camping soon!

Hi, my name is Molly Samuels and I am writing from Hampton, VA USA. 

I have a long history of VW addiction beginning with a 1962 Bettle that I learned to drive on.

In college I bought a '70 convertible Bettle & a '71 Ghia.

As a 'grown up' I have had a '98 Passat, '02 Golf (OK, that one was my husband's!) and an '03 Jetta TDI.

Last week I sold my beloved 2004 Passat Wagon to make room in the driveway (and in the checkbook) for BETTY.

Betty is a blue 1982 Westy that my neighbors loved very dearly until about 2 1/2 years ago, when she was parked.

She hasn't cranked since and I'm not sure where to begin, so I'm starting with cleaning her up!

Sounds silly, but I know I am can handle soap, Windex and ArmorAll! I have a 5 year old son and we are already enjoying picnics in the driveway! 

I also make and sell natural soap. I am looking forward to getting Betty on the road and have already talked to an artist friend about possibly doing a vinyl wrap :) With or without the wrap, I hope she be a ton of fun at the fairs & festivals!

I am rambling now... I am posting here after a fellow VW Bus friend suggested we start a dog-friendly, VW centric version of Sisters on the Fly. If you aren't familiar with SOTF, look them up. I LOVE WHAT THEY ARE DOING and would love to get a group of VW Women on the road together!

I see several posts regarding a Facebook page for this group and I hate to admit it but FB is really easy for me and I have no idea how this forum works :) You can find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/mollysamuels I hope to see YOU there!

Molly Samuels

the betty1982@gmail.com

Hi again, Sent you a message on Facebook - too bad did not know I was nearby all Easter weekend! Alll updates on trip at http://vw4causes.org

Hope you can join my VW page soon. Any help to spread the work would be fantastic. I am still driving for MG and had two friends die last week from complications of this disease. VW page is at http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-YesWeCan-CamperVan/203679777444



Belinda said:

Sounds awesome! How do I find you on Facebook? Here's my page...  https://www.facebook.com/PIKAKE 

Hi Molly, Delighted to meet you and loved reading your introduction.

Would you please join my 71 VW bus at 


and also check out my blog at http://vw4causes.org which talks about my 6000 miles just completed driving across country for a little known disease called MG. There's loads of info on the website and also links at bottom of each page to my Facebook pages and twitter accounts.

I had two friends die last week from MG complications, so I would appreciate you spreading the word. MG is one of over 100 auto-immune diseases, which are now responsible for more cases of illness in the USA than cancer. 75% of those cases are in women, so please excuse me mentioning this information here on a VW group but I am mentioning my voluntary work  with my VW since it's so relevant to any women's group.

From my VW page on FB you'll find my personal FB page. If you send me a friend invitation, I can then invite you to join the VW women group on FB which is 'secret'.

Cheers, Carole

T. Betty Samuels said:

Hi, my name is Molly Samuels and I am writing from Hampton, VA USA. 

I have a long history of VW addiction beginning with a 1962 Bettle that I learned to drive on.

In college I bought a '70 convertible Bettle & a '71 Ghia.

As a 'grown up' I have had a '98 Passat, '02 Golf (OK, that one was my husband's!) and an '03 Jetta TDI.

Last week I sold my beloved 2004 Passat Wagon to make room in the driveway (and in the checkbook) for BETTY.

Betty is a blue 1982 Westy that my neighbors loved very dearly until about 2 1/2 years ago, when she was parked.

She hasn't cranked since and I'm not sure where to begin, so I'm starting with cleaning her up!

Sounds silly, but I know I am can handle soap, Windex and ArmorAll! I have a 5 year old son and we are already enjoying picnics in the driveway! 

I also make and sell natural soap. I am looking forward to getting Betty on the road and have already talked to an artist friend about possibly doing a vinyl wrap :) With or without the wrap, I hope she be a ton of fun at the fairs & festivals!

I am rambling now... I am posting here after a fellow VW Bus friend suggested we start a dog-friendly, VW centric version of Sisters on the Fly. If you aren't familiar with SOTF, look them up. I LOVE WHAT THEY ARE DOING and would love to get a group of VW Women on the road together!

I see several posts regarding a Facebook page for this group and I hate to admit it but FB is really easy for me and I have no idea how this forum works :) You can find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/mollysamuels I hope to see YOU there!

Molly Samuels

the betty1982@gmail.com

Hi Cat, Usually I show the person to whom I am replying below, like your note now below this reply of mine. 
I'm not sure which earlier note of mine you are referring to, because there is no note attached to your message. 
I converse mostly on Facebook. Are you on there?

Cheers, Carole

Cat Randall said:

I can never tell on this website who is talking to who... lol  Are you responding to me or Belinda, Carole?  Anyhow, happy vanning!  I will recommend your page to my friends on facebook too!   :)

Hi everyone! My name is Regan and I drive (in the summer) a 73 vanagon. She is pumpkin orange and a much valued member of our family. We just picked her up in mid September, but she made it the 3 hour drive home. The van needs some TLC, as she is pretty bare bones as of now. First things on the agenda this spring are seatbelts for the kids, and a new sliding door.

We have a couple folk fests picked out to attend this coming year, the first being only a couple hours from home incase anything goes wrong. Lol. Shifting is an unique experience every day as apparently she rearranges her gear placement while the rest of the family sleeps. :) My husband isn't much of a manual transmission guy, so I will be doing the majority of the driving... Which is great by me!

My favorite thing about driving my van? People can't help but smile when they see you coming!

I live in Saskatchewan, Canada. Spent some time in Vermont in my late teens, and 4 years just outside Cincinnati where I married my husband. We have 2 children who love the van and are responsible for finding her perfect name.

Glad to meet you all! FB - Regan Lanning, and Regan's Reclamations.


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