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HELP! I need help with my Riviera Top.....

I own a 85 Vanagon with a Riviera top

I finally went after my leaking top on my vanagon! It was a big project which entailed taking the top off, re-fiberglassing some cracks, replacing the wood frame and putting on new canvasse.

I ran into a problem on the re-assembly and need your help!

The back brackets don’t fit any more! Could you take a picture of your pop top back brackets for me? It would also be really helpful to know what the dimension of the brackets are. Where are they placed. What is the length of your back. Any help would be appreciated.


Mick Pearson


Views: 80

Comment by mick pearson on January 5, 2011 at 2:51pm

thanks for the suggestion. I will ask her for help.


the back cross bars are not in and do not reach any more..... I need to figure out what the measurements are, and how I can fix the problem.


- mick

Comment by jim brough on March 2, 2011 at 9:03pm
Hi Mick, did ypu figure out your top yet?   Jim Brough Kona
Comment by jim brough on March 2, 2011 at 9:13pm
Hey Mick, I did have that exact top on my Syncro, your missing the rear cross it`s a smaller version of the sides sits on the driver side rear, also you are missing 4 springs that connect to the sides and help increase the "lift" of the top when you lift from the inside, It holds the top up after you push up. There is a wire for a light overhead, it runs inside the frabric top closest to the driver in the corner they fail at the body to frabric area be careful potential fire risk from wires rubbing over time, your van look nice mine was cordavan brown till three years ago
Comment by jim brough on March 2, 2011 at 9:21pm
And Mick the rear x bar is way smaller it will extend the same height, it  x`s with a narrower stance so when the sides cross and elevate the rear x just follows to help "stabilize" the top rear portion. If you are having trouble finding parts Jerry Cavit on the samba is selling his riveria top business might look him up should be able to still get parts
Comment by mick pearson on March 3, 2011 at 1:04pm

Thanks for the suggestions.


I have all the parts. The problem I am having is the rear cross bars no longer fit the holes that we drilled when we put it back together. I can't figure out the dimensions.


I will check in with Jerry Cavit.... DO you have a contact for him.....

Really I am looking for the dimensions of the holes of one that is already in place.


- mick

Comment by jim brough on March 3, 2011 at 8:05pm

Mick do you know about "The Samba" site? Go there in the middle of the page there is a ad section, It will say in the upper left hand corner  "featured ads" next to it it says "all ads" click that one go to page 4 find ad for CHC POP TOP Business FSMOLDS & TOPS  click on therte it has several pics of your top He sells parts as well. No # just E-mail 

His name is, Jerry McCavit :Syncroincity  locatation New York

Comment by mick pearson on March 5, 2011 at 12:52pm



found it! thank you.... Hopefully I can speak with him about help. I am getting closer..... You have been a great help! I will keep you in the loop.


thank you again.


- mick

Comment by Jens Weber on March 5, 2011 at 1:28pm
Comment by Jens Weber on March 5, 2011 at 1:30pm
Comment by Jens Weber on March 5, 2011 at 1:31pm


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