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HELP! I need help with my Riviera Top.....

I own a 85 Vanagon with a Riviera top

I finally went after my leaking top on my vanagon! It was a big project which entailed taking the top off, re-fiberglassing some cracks, replacing the wood frame and putting on new canvasse.

I ran into a problem on the re-assembly and need your help!

The back brackets don’t fit any more! Could you take a picture of your pop top back brackets for me? It would also be really helpful to know what the dimension of the brackets are. Where are they placed. What is the length of your back. Any help would be appreciated.


Mick Pearson


Views: 80

Comment by Jens Weber on March 5, 2011 at 1:33pm
Comment by Jens Weber on March 5, 2011 at 1:33pm
Comment by Jens Weber on March 5, 2011 at 1:37pm


these are pictures from Julia's & mine 1986 Riviera.  I hope it helps. The bolt on the left is placed 5cm from the left edge. The guide rail starts 2cm from the right edge. This is roughly the same for top and bottom. As you can see on the first picture the crossing is off-center when fully opened. Let me know we can take more pictures. 


Comment by Jens Weber on March 5, 2011 at 1:43pm

just looked at my notes. The left bolt is 5.5cm from the left edge.

Comment by mick pearson on March 6, 2011 at 9:07am

THANK YOU SO MUCH! This helps out a ton. I will check into my measurements and see what my issues are. I live in Seattle, so finding a time when it is dry is the issue..... I will check with more questions and let you know how it goes.

I really appreciate your kindness and time.

- mick


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