VW Camper Family

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Is music on the VW scene too cheesy?

I am a DJ/Producer trying to break into the VW show scene, is my music cool enough? It seems most of the music at VW shows is mostly rock and DJ's play the ubiquitous and in my view boring house/trance/techno.  I have a blog where i am trying to create a perfect VW playlist, but dont want anything to obvious (The Who's Magic bus, the beach boys etc) Despite loving my dubstep, hip hop and grime ; i think that modern music spoils the vibe when driving in heritage buses, bugs.

I have posted my mixes (free downloads) here : http://barbarathevwbus.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/beats-for-vw-bus.html

and would welcome any suggestions for my playlist trying to avoid the obvious Beach Boys, The Who's 'Magic Bus' etc

Views: 491

Comment by Dave Reynolds on April 13, 2012 at 6:15pm

An interesting proposition, a VW DJ. I can't say what might be a "perfect" playlist but can offer some suggestions beginning with nearly any music from the Grateful Dead. Probably an obvious choice but necessary for most VW bus enthusiaists. From the GD I would explore other folk/bluegrass/jambands such as Phish, String Cheese Incident, Railroad Earth, Hot Buttered Rum Band, etc. Best of luck to you!

Comment by tommy2bob on April 14, 2012 at 3:24am

Thanks Dave, i am going to check all those out, i really love bluegrass but have not heard those artists before so particuarly keen to check those out.

Comment by Dave Reynolds on April 14, 2012 at 6:08am

T2B-hope you enjoy, by the way I really like your website. It seems you enjoy Reggae which is always a crowd pleaser. 


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