VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

It's confession time on the internets... I have a problem.

In our house, we refer to it as the "P" problem - as if it is too powerful to be named... like Lord Voldemort or the porcupine-like creatures from "The Village" (did anyone but me actually see that? I still have faith that M. Night Shyamalan will return to his glory days!).

This particular problem manifests itself in every room of our house. And I know that I'm the one responsible. But I can't help myself. It's a compulsion... an addiction... a insatiable desire!

What is a modern-adult to do? Well, first I will blame my parents. My mom has this problem too, and whether it was nature or nurture, I know she is partly culpable for my issue.

Second, I will no longer be afraid to name it. We cannot fight what we do not know... So, in front of the whole world-wide-web, I will announce my shame and unveil this obsession. Ready?





I love love love PILLOWS! I love them on chairs, on beds, and on couches. I would have them on the toilets if I could. I think they are so pretty and soft and cuddly. They instantly make a room homey and inviting. They add color, style and creativity in one fell-swoop. I. LOVE. PILLOWS.

As you if you needed proof, I will now present some evidence.

When you walk into our bedroom:


Our guest bedroom:


Our Living Room (this is a picture of our old furniture, we just got a new couch last week):



Our New Living Room set-up (Notice how HUGE the new couch is compared to our old one? And I'm using the same amount of pillows. That just doesn't seem right, does it? I REALLY want to by a couple more to fill it out a bit, but I'm trying to be good...)

(Not enough) PILLOWS!

And, Westi's bed (yes. I know. This one does seem a little excessive...):



Now, you may have noticed, that this "infestation" has moved on to the Bustache. As an extension of our home, I felt it necessary to deck him out.


4 PILLOWS in Table-Mode!

6 PILLOWS in Couch-Mode!

10 Pillows in Bed-Mode! My Most Favorite Mode of All!

You have to admit. These pillows do make Bustache look pretty snazzy and feel super cozy. But, they do take up some precious space in a not-so-big place. I'm not sure how many more we can fit in there. But Steve is sure. He says, "None."

In fact, when I was out shopping the other day, and I texted Steve that I was looking at some really cute pillows, he sent me this:

Hmmm... I guess I've reached Steve's (which translates to my) limit. No more pillows.

For now.

Maybe just a couple for the new couch... :-(D

What about you? Any ridiculous obsessions you'd like to admit to and get off your chest?

Views: 70

Comment by Peter on September 27, 2011 at 7:31pm
Um, old lanterns? Old stoves. and since I'm at it... old cars. go figure.
Comment by Kris Hansen on September 27, 2011 at 9:07pm
But remember Nooooooo more pillows!!!!!!  :)
Comment by The Bustache on September 28, 2011 at 9:35am

@Peter - Ah yes.   The old cars issues is something we can all relate too.  :-)


@Kris - Ack!  I am tempted to get a Westy just so I can get those PILLOWS!  Haha.  Steve made his point nicely, didn't he... :-)


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