VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

Terry Stricklin
  • Female
  • Toledo, OH
  • United States
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Terry Stricklin's Friends

  • Carolina Vehr
  • Ruth and Robert (R & R)
  • Tara Mathews
  • Carole & the 'YesWeCanCamperVan'

Terry Stricklin's Groups


Terry Stricklin's Page

Profile Information

Describe your bus/van (if you do not have one, describe your dream bus/van)

Comment Wall (9 comments)

At 9:47pm on November 12, 2010, Carole & the 'YesWeCanCamperVan' said…
I just started a VW Women's group on VW Camper Family at http://vwcamperfamily.ning.com

Would you like to join and tell others? If you join, please introduce yourself and your VW, and tell us where you are. Please add country, since as we're on the internet, this could become a worldwide Women and their VW's club!

Cheers, Carole (a Brit in Massachusetts, USA)
At 1:08pm on November 13, 2010, Terry Stricklin said…
Hi, I am Terry. I live in Toledo OH. Work full time as a social worker for a government agency. I have an 84 Vanagon Country Homes camper. Her name is The Gypsy Woman. She was born in Germany but lived all her life in the So. California desert. She is now facing her first snow flake ever....BURR !!!

My kids are grown and the Gypsy and I have big plans for after I retire. (5-7 years, but who's counting??) I drove the Gypsy home from Riverside CA. to Dallas and then up to Toledo. I've had many VW's in my life including 2 buses. I am loving my "new" camper and have made many aquaintances since getting her.

Thanks for forming the club and inviting me to join.
At 9:07pm on November 14, 2010, Carole & the 'YesWeCanCamperVan' said…
Hi Terry, you're not showing up in the group yet. Did you check your email or spam folder for a message that you need to confirm?
We'd love to have you. Please add an introduction when you join the group. We're up to 10 already (yee ha!).
At 6:49am on November 15, 2010, Carole & the 'YesWeCanCamperVan' said…
Hi Terry, I sent you a friend request before and inside that was a message to join the VW Women group. Did you see that, as I just got a message from you that nothing in email or spam - but did you first see the invite? I ask this as it was the first step and I notice you've not joined me as a friend. I can't message you without being friends first.
OK? Carole
At 6:52am on November 15, 2010, Carole & the 'YesWeCanCamperVan' said…
P.S. And the link to join is still in my first message to you - look on your Page. Also you can go to the Groups tab and join from there. But I'd like to be friends too.
Hope to see you showing up in the VW WOMEN group soon. PLease introduce yourself again by repeating what you said above.
Thanks, Carole
At 6:35am on November 16, 2010, Carole & the 'YesWeCanCamperVan' said…
At 4:00pm on November 16, 2010, Carole & the 'YesWeCanCamperVan' said…
Hey great to see you on NEW GROUP _ VW WOMEN.

When you have time can you please introduce yourself by going to the new discussion topic inside our group - INTRODUCTIONS - and complete as many of these questions as you feel comfortable doing?

Hi, I'm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (name)

1. I own/drive a VW type .....
2. First VW purchase year
3. Location including country
4. Where you have driven in your VW
5. Where you have camped in your VW
6. Most fun moment(s)
7. What got you started in the VW world
8. What you most love about having a VW
9. What you'd like from this group
10. What you'd like to offer to this group
11. Your personal likes/dislikes or something else about you
12. Are you on Facebook? If yes, please post your name, so we can all link to each other.
13. Anything else

At 4:03pm on November 16, 2010, Carole & the 'YesWeCanCamperVan' said…
I also re sent my friend request to you. Look on the right side and it comes up as a number under your name. Hpe you can find it and reply.
At 8:04am on July 5, 2011, Tara Mathews said…

Terry, I apologize if I haven't yet commented you back! I thought I had, but I don't see it on here. Thank you for the kind words, we certainly have worked very hard! And I know it will all be worth it in the end =) We we lucky enough to store our van in a garage this past winter, but I think we will be needing to build a place to keep her for this year. Those winter months can be hard on them! How have your spring & summer plans been coming along? Many camping trips yet? We do live pretty close, I see! We haven't ventured too far in our Van yet, because we really need new tires & our budget is kind of strapped for now. You most definitely need to get some pictures up here! Hope all is well, enjoy & safe travels! =)  


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