A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.
Time: November 8, 2013 to November 10, 2013
Location: Del Valle Regional Park, Livermore, CA
Website or Map: http://www.reserveamerica.com
Event Type: campout, &, potluck
Organized By: westywoman (Melissa)
Latest Activity: Nov 27, 2013
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Look to book a site in Phase B - Sites 12-53 (Most are already booked). We have an enormous food fest Saturday night- a potluck featuring a turkey on the Weber and all the traditional Thanksgiving fixins that people bring to the table. Friday night this year will be Taco night-bring your favorite tacos, taco salad, pozole, quesadillas or tamales to share if you want to pig out 2 nights in a row.
Del Valle Regional Park, Livermore, CA.
One of the nicest things about this park for this event is the dishwashing station with HOT water.
Wow. Those Sun Charms really work. Love the bottle pic and that wasn't even all of them. And yet there was a threat of running out. Must've been all that turkey soaking it all up.
It was great to break bread with all of you. Looking forward to the next event
Hi Bruce; Hope you got home okay. I am trying to figure out Diane's contact. Did you get a chance to figure out how to get her the ($) check for camping spot #25? Please let me know, because I not connected with Diane.
Sit tight Lev... it will get handled. I will reach out to you when I get it covered.
Will do, thanks.
Best of the best, even without trains, fellowship, repartee, music, cuisine, wine, dogs, smiles, birds, wine, music, wine, ginormous marauding raccoons, even pepe le pew and his cousin. Did I mention wine? Now to remember all the promises. Sourdough start to ?? Eagle plume to ?? Trip back had superb birding at a little spot on Mines Road, spent an hour just hangin and decompressing from all the wine before the next great adventure. Capn Joe's Petit Syrah (I think) at Con Cannon. Gruffly ol' camper waddles up and is immediately overwhelmed with invitations from saucy lassies with unicorns to come to our table. Turns out I met this crew and their peeps on the way out of the campground when their dad was deflating his kayaks and I stopped to chat (terrible habit, that). He had owned a 76 in his UCBerkeley days and had lust in his heart for another road diva, maybe a syncro. I pointed him to GoWesty. Now back to the lawn at concannon and the truly charming lassies and their precocious (sp) 3yr old alpha male brother. After chatting (yeah, I know) with the parents further about the fact that romancing a 30 year old diva in decline is expensive, exasperating, and no country for young men to squander the chilluns college fund upon, I ventured into the "tasing or tasting ballroom" Met a seasoned lady named Dona who pretty much was in charged and who didn't wince at a scruffly camper geezer with a "Veteran under Medication" hat, a neckercheif, dangly glasses, five o'clock frost, and advertising on a six year old t-shirt. I asked if the tasin/tasting was gratis and discovered you could taste for a measly ten clams. Undeterred I asked if there was a veterans discount it being veterans appreciation weekend and all, and cleverly flashed my VA card. "For you, it's free" and handed me a glass. We chatted for a moment (sorry) and she revealed her Foreign Service background at the embassy in Saigon in 1973. Amazing what that chattiness will turn up. More about capn Joe in a later missive. If I promised you something, let me know. The Kodachrome fades so quickly. Cane Rattlin on, I remain esconced under my formerly sunny rock just off the on ramp to the information highway
Did anyone notice that as the nights cooled off, the circle of chairs around the fire got tighter?
I saw a coupla camera's. Any photo's posted?
Regis, I have a few photos I'm working on to post. They're coming down the pike at some point. Hopefully I'll send them out before we gather in January (Rio Vista). Looking forward to seeing you all that can make it. This gathering was simply outstanding...getting to know some of you more. Plus, getting a eagle feather from you know who. I can hardly wait. See you soon! Diana Harvey
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