VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

Since the "lantern thing" is going to come up, I might as well start it now.

Our campouts are typically lit via older style kerosene lanterns - the silent, less bright type. There are a number of reasons for this, but I'll let the discussion begin here.

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Peter, I would still like to buy one of those, if you've got any available.
Yeah - Peter talked me into a Dietz lantern after Fall Finnon Fest and it took me a while to get some oil, but once we did and tested it, we found we enjoy it very much. Good glow. Quiet. Now I want to make one of those hanging things that everyone has...
I suggest we have a "lantern" tech session, including: parts replacement, preferable oils, and construction of the PVC hanging thingies. How about at Rio Vista? All we need is some PVC pipe, a hacksaw, some T's and some glue...
I hope this isn't a hijack, and I'm well aware of the love for these kerosene lanterns, but I want to know what some of their drawbacks are (if any) before I go out and throw lettuce down for one.
FWIW-I use Medallion Lamp Oil- no smell and available at your local hardware store. I only have one antique Dietz lantern and am on the prowl for more.
Regarding disadvantages of the Oil Lanterns - there are several:
Light is not as bright.
Lighting them isn't as easy.
Wick maintenance is a requirement.
They are capable of being adjusted too high and soot will need to be cleaned.
Due to age, some will leak - repairs are occasionally required.

Charles Schulz said that there are three things that people can't help watch - a babbling brook, a roaring fire, and a Zamboni cleaning the ice. Modern nylon lanterns are nice, and I keep one when I camp just in case, but the fire is found in the old oil lantern. Much like the cars we seem to be addicted to driving and maintaining, they require a little more work.

I think they are worth it, and considering the numbers of oil lamp converts that are growing amidst our weird family, I don't think I'm the only one.

My two cents.

Thanks for the input. Melissa was sold once she saw that they don't make noise--we have one of those that screws onto the top of a propane bottle, the most ungodly kind, I suspect. I was sold once I saw that they aren't pointlessly expensive.
Yeah - mine was like $15 bucks at an antique show and I didn't have to do anything to it. Just filled it and lit it and it has worked great so far. Pretty inexpensive...

whc03grady said:
Thanks for the input. Melissa was sold once she saw that they don't make noise--we have one of those that screws onto the top of a propane bottle, the most ungodly kind, I suspect. I was sold once I saw that they aren't pointlessly expensive.
I'm a Dietz lantern guy as well. I'm very interested in learning how to make one of the hanging poles pictured at the masthead of this discussion. Can anyone post details?
Roger that! Thank you very much. It looks like you went larger than the 12" mentioned in the thread. Is that true?
3/4" or 1/2"?

Regis said:
I used the 12" threaded pieces for the two in my possession. It can be done with regular glue type fittings also.


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