VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

I don't care who you are, Bin Laden's death has to be the best news we've heard in the last deacade! I'm not the type to be extatic about the death of anyone, but all things considered, I'm very happy about the whole thing! I know it's not exactly VW orientated, but IT IS good news, right!?!

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meh, death is bad news no matter what.  yes, justice is served, but I think we should carry a more solemn and reverent tone.  anyways, there are dozen Bin Ladens waiting in the coffers.  The political hooplah surrounding this event is disturbing. 
Our spiritual and moral values are meaningless if they don't stand up to the test.  Jesus would have washed his feet.


Closing this discussion. While it is news, we need to be strict about keeping this to VW talk. Now, if you were to organize an anti-Osama campout, we'd let that go.





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