VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

Hi all, my boyfriend and I have hired a classic VW camper for a 7 night trip at the end of August. We plan to travel from LA to San Diego along the coast and wondered if anyone has tips for places to stay? We don't have any campgrounds booked and starting to worry a little! Any advice greatly appreciated. Chrissy

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check out California State Park Crystal Cove campground in Laguna Beach...campground is located on a bluff above PCH with trail leading down  to beautiful beach (decent body surfing/boogie boardinag at south end of beach)...3 mile walk north along the beach takes you to the original/actual Crystal Cove beach cottages...also miles of back country hiking trails which offer some spectacular views of the So Cal cost...this is nice spot to take a break on your drive south...

I second that Bill El Moro/Crystal Cove is a great spot I will be there 23 Aug. Chrissy you might be hard pressed to find open sites at some beach camp spots, I made mine back in Feb. Try Newport Dunes it is a "Resort RV place but they have small camp spots and a nice beach and restaurant, it is a private place not state park, also Bolsa Chica might have spots to. Good Luck and have fun.

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