VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.


My wife and I are in the market for a VW Camper.  We're weighing the pros and cons of older (more classic look) vs. newer (maybe more practical?).

I'm certain this is probably an old and frequent question, so I thank anyone in advance for being willing to offer any advice on this, point us to some prior posts we can read, other resources, etc.

Also wondering if there is anyone on this forum in the greater St. Louis area?  We live just across the river in Edwardsville, IL.

Kind regards,


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Update to y'all who have been so helpful:

Have been beebopping around in the Westy whenever opportunity presents... It's interesting.  There really is a Zen about the thing.  It's a slow, easy sort of fun.  The weather's been good for windows down, and we've taken it for several spins, the longest up what's called "The River Road" around here... runs right alongside the Mississippi from Alton, IL north.  Driving it around feels almost like being on a mini-vacation.

Went to see a guy in Alton who is the reputed VW expert in the realm (main reason we took that route)... Probably mid-sixties-seventy, has been working on them all his adult life.  All the local VW dune buggy clubs use him... He's crusty with a great wry sense of humor, and clearly has a love and common sense approach to VW's.  Has a bunch of them sitting around that he uses for parts, has more on his farm, and loves to have parts that no one else can find... I'm pretty sure that VW's and Porches are all he works on.

Received my GoWesty goodies yesterday... wife and I put on the new VW hub caps and trim rings, put on a new side mirror. Lots more little stuff I want to do, but we'll get to it.

May need to have the idle adjusted... she doesn't like to sit at idle until she's warmed up a bit.  Smokes just a little until warmed up, then not.  Other than that, all is well.

Thanks again for all the help and support through the search and evaluation process... Any of you going to the Mid-America Motors thing in Effingham the first weekend of June?


Good Morning,

Just wanted to give you some info, I bought the attachable tent from GoWesty for my wife as a anniversary present but when we opened it it had several broken pieces from the ends of the poles. After speaking with Mike at GoWesty he informed me that this had become a big problem and the manufacture is in the process of redoing the design. I know you had some interest in it but don't go for it until the problem is taken care of. Kev  

Thanks, Kev... the tent is in my "wish list" file on GoWesty, and I've been looking at it from time to time.  I really appreciate the heads up on it, and will hold off until it seems that these things are fixed.  


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