VW Camper Family

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I really want an easy way to make great coffee. I would find it pure luxury to have instant hot water available in my van ( Like from the tap). If any one has any ideas I would love to hear it. I tried to get my husband to install a Keurig single serve pod coffee machine but he says no go.
Currently I think boiling water and using a french press is the best I do.

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And check out their shirts...they have an Oakland one (I'm tempted, but too cheap).
i use a 12v coffee maker from cabelas...


i like it...i get it ready before i go to bed, and at first light i reach over and push a button and roll back into a snooze...

when i crawl out of the sleeping, the coffee is ready to go...
coleman makes an instant water heater that uses propane


Romy said:
You could go the really expensive route of installing a tankless water heater in your bus - http://www.plumbersurplus.com/Prod/Rheem-Tankless-Water-Heater-RTG-...
Then you'll have hot water on tap all the time! This is provided you have money to blow, a propane tank, and water storage already. It would be cool though!

Otherwise, we use a french press and just boil water on the stove.
Thanks for both pieces of info.

cwnation said:
coleman makes an instant water heater that uses propane


Romy said:
You could go the really expensive route of installing a tankless water heater in your bus - http://www.plumbersurplus.com/Prod/Rheem-Tankless-Water-Heater-RTG-...
Then you'll have hot water on tap all the time! This is provided you have money to blow, a propane tank, and water storage already. It would be cool though!

Otherwise, we use a french press and just boil water on the stove.
we use a 12 v kettle This style is cool it comes with cup, spoon, screen etc...

and then pour in a English press Coffee bodum
For instant hot water, the Hot Shot works great, assuming you're on city power or have an inverter that can crank out 1500+ Watts.

I've had one for about 20 years and it still works great.

Grab a pack of Folger's singles and you're set.
Great coffee is simple, but most of you guys won't believe it. Try it, and you'll be converted. Put the amount of coffee you normally use for the number of cups you want in a pot (I use the pot and lid, not the guts, of a small percolator), and add the right amount of water. Bring the water just to a boil, and remove from heat. Let set for two minutes. Add a couple ounces of cold water, systematically poured slowly over the top of the cooked coffee. Stir briefly with a metal spoon. The cold water and stirring settle the grounds. Finely ground coffee settles better than coarse ground does. Filter if desired, but not necessary except for the very picky. Great coffee. I make it a point to use creek or spring water when I am where it is available. The French press is close to this, but is just more mess to clean up.

French press works for me... I don't find them that messy.... Just swirl some water around with the grounds, and fling it in the bushes when nobody is looking... Then wipe out with a towel :~)
If there aren't any bushes, the porta-potty is a good grounds disposal option.
I'm down with cowboy coffee too.... Seriously, some of the best coffee I have ever had was cooked over a fire....grounds in a pot of water.... Easy to burn it that way, but if you are carefull.... the cowboy method works great.... especially over a mesquite, juniper or cedar fire, as it takes on the flavor of the wood..... Delicious!

Regis said:
Similar to this? Cowboy coffee.

I've never used any electric coffee makers all the years we've been camping. Used to use the propane stove & a Wal-mart coffee pot w/basket - over a campfire it works much better. This last trip, when packin' stuff to put in the Bus, I decided to finally break down & buy a new coffee pot. You have any idea how hard it is to find a "coffee boiler" - (as it is sometimes listed in catalogs?) or at least find one that doesn't cost more than an office visit to your Dr. ~ ? ~

We finally found one at Ollies (warehouse/discount place like Big-Lots - ) A Paula Deen model..warehouse price $19.99. Steeper than we wanted to pay, but after searching thru 4 stores, we finally decided to buy this one. The lid on it stays on when you pour the coffee (the cheapies lids like to drop into the cup of coffee...) and it seems to heat up over a campfire really fast. Since The Husband is a truck driver, he absolutely-positively-has to have strong coffee. This one delivers really fast. If you have a discount warehouse nearby that carries discontinued items from large high-end stores, try to see if this particular model is in with the kitchen items. To me it's well worth the cost. If I can dig the model out of storage I'll tell ya what model type it is.
Im not sure how much of a coffe purist you are, but the starbucks via instant coffee pouch isn't half bad. I saw on the history channel that it is the first innovation in instant coffe in like forty years. As far as water a tea pot or there is a very small stove called a "jetboil" and it can boil water in like 2 min. good luck in your search.
  I had starbucks via this morning at the George's 40th at Live Oak campout.  It actually is pretty good, and very easy and mess free.   I'll buy it again for camping.


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