VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

The Eleanor chronicals


The Eleanor chronicals

The life, times, tribulations and adventures of a 1966 split window (non hippie bus) in the land of enchantment...and beyond!

Mlady and I wish to actually within the next year or two (tops)  go on roadtrips traveling all around the country in Eleanor our 66 bus. I understand that everyone starts their blog or webpage with the same goal in mind. So Mlady and I are really no different than anyone else in that regard. 

But what we would like to do is document (of sorts) our journeys and such. Wireless being what it is these days, makes it a most doable thing for our baby ;) This is why I upgraded to the 75 Amp alternator so we can stuff some high tech goodies in Eleanor. Discreetly of course!

Everyone is welcome to join in.  Experenced bus campers and other VW brother and sister road warriors please do stop in and give us some pointers I'd be much abliged. Lets help each other to keep our volksies running for many years too come! We also would like to join in with other bus owners and do some camping. I myself would love to hear your tales of you and your bus out on the road.


Well that pretty much sums up what this blog is about. Thank you for taking your valuable time to read this post.

May you have big smiles and happy miles...Mike 

Location: Roswell New Mexico
Members: 5
Latest Activity: Jan 10, 2013

Discussion Forum

The Eleanor chronicals

Lets start a thread on beating engine heat while keeping our busses at tip top shape shall we? :)Continue

Started by Michael H Slack Sep 25, 2012.

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