VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

Can we all get together and talk early in January, so we can get to know each other a little, set a few goals for our group in 2011, and see who is going to BBB?

Date that's easy to remember = Jan 1st?
Time that works for all time zones = 5pm EST?

How to connect easily by phone?
I suggest we use Skype. It's easy and free to set up and use. Since you use your computer or phone for this VW group, you can use Skype from the same system. Just go to www.skype.com and download the software for free. 
Then add me as a contact by using my Skype name of carolecoach. I will then confirm you as my contact.
I will call everyone to a group call on the date and at the time we agree.

What do you say? I can then have a break from sending out all these messages!!

Please add your feedback below (not in Comments)

Cheers, Carole

Views: 40

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Hello Kit,
I can add you be calling from Skype to your home land line if that's OK with you? Since you are the first to reply, thought I'd make that offer. Send me a private message with your phone number, if you like that idea in principal and we can confirm date and time preference nearer the time.
Thanks, Carole
Sounds good, I left a response on the BBB page!

Thanks Glynda,

A 'possibly can', or a 'no' answer are as helpful as a 'yes', since I am trying to work out if it's feasible or not.

From Skype I can call you on your home phone, also. So if you want to email me your contact number, please use my personal email - caroleiod@gmail.com

I'm tryin gto find the money for the flight to BBB but not sure I can afford a hotel for 3 nights. Do you know any women on their own who might share? I already put a post on the samba with that question.



I have been very bad at checking this site, I am never online!  But~ I am going to BBB and I would love to meet everyone there!  You are welcome to stay in the top bunk of my Bus but we may have another friend up there!  It would be a squeeze but its free :D  I hope to meet you at BBB!




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