VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

Here's a suggested outline for introducing yourself to others in the group. 

Look forward to getting to know you.

Hi, I'm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (name)

1. I own/drive a VW type .....

2. First VW purchase year

3. Location including country

4. Where you have driven in your VW

5. Where you have camped in your VW

6. Most fun moment(s)

7. What got you started in the VW world

8. What you most love about having a VW

9. What you'd like from this group

10. What you'd like to offer to this group

11. Your personal likes/dislikes or something else about you

12. Are you on Facebook? If yes, please post your name (a copy your page address, http:// ...is best), so we can find each other.

13. Anything else?

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Hello everyone,
I'm Carole Brown, owner and driver of the YesWeCan CamperVan, or Dexter (named by previous and first owner, also female).
My VW is a 1971 Bay window Westfalia. 1971 is the last year of the 1600cc engine and small rear lights; first year of disc brakes. A good year apparently.
Currently garaged at friend's home in Millbury, central Massachusetts, USA for the winter. I'm between Millbury and my condo in Provincetown, Cape Cod, which I'm hoping to sell.

In December 2009, I collected my van from the eBay seller (a dealer) and drove 10,000 miles between Oregon and Massachusetts, spending 5 of the 6.5 month journey in California. I camped with other VWs at club events and overnighted free wherever I could; see my blog for where we stayed (http://yeswecanjourney.wordpress.com pages Route, Thanks & Travel tips).

Most fun? So many of examples. I guess it's the SLOW DRAG race at the Spring Fling event held by the Orange Empire Bus Company near Corona, California on 1st Sunday in May. We came 2nd in the 2010 race. Watch the youtube video of the final here.

What got me started was a reunion with cousins in the UK in August 2009, some of whom had VW vans and buses.
What I love most about my camper van is that it's like the dog I don't yet have: it introduces me to other people who are always nice (like you) AND it makes others (and me) smile! My THANKS page on my blog makes me smile very time I read it; the people who befriended my and my VW van on the road between OR and MA were wonderful. When I set off, I knew only three people I was going to visit. I could never have imagined all the new friends that were ahead.

I'd like this group to be about supporting each one of us with our dreams related to our VWs, building confidence for our travels, and giving us connections across the USA and around the world. I'd also like to gain more understanding of my VW and ways to keep it in tip top condition.
What I can bring to this group is my initiative for starting new things; my energy and enthusiasm, skills in social media, blog design, writing and photography; and my strange British sense of humour.

Something about me: I dreamed of coming to America yet never knew it would take 15 years for my green card (which allows me to live and work in USA). During all those years I flew back and forth countless times, living half a year in Massachusetts and half in England. Now I'm here, I'm ready to start my life over. At the age of 55 it's a bit of a challenge! My YesWeCan road trip in 2010 was to inspire me and others to follow our dreams.

I'm on Facebook as The YesWeCan CamperVan and Carole Brown
ALSO PLEASE JOIN ME HERE at the YesWeCan Journey blog

I can't wait to meet you all!

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Hi, I'm Wendie Wu

I’ve had an ‘02 Eurovan EVC (Beulah) since ‘17.  She’s the VW first I bought but not the first in my life. Learned to drive on a ‘66 21 window ragtop and a ‘70 square back. In college (mid ‘79s) mom got me a ‘70 bug.  So it was a long time before I got back to VW land. 

I live in San Francisco, California, USA. Happy to have the only camper van that fits inside a San Francisco garage. Holler if you’re camping in the area and want a buddy. If I’m available I’ll go. (Lordy I love being retired!)

Beulah is for camping and very occasionally hauling. 
We camp close to the Bay Area but have covered most of the west coast. Hubby hates to camp (except Bus City) so I’m usually camp with women’s groups (mostly Tow Girlz).

She doesn’t sound or smell like a VW. But I decorated her up with flower stickers so she looks a bit like one. I love the smiles and happy waves she gets when we’re on the road.

Personal likes: campfire smells, someone else cooking. 
Dislikes: loud music/generators/ACs in campgrounds, dirty campgrounds, rude people. 

Other hobbies: sewing (especially under the trees at camp), cross stitch, world travel and Girl Scouting. 

Hi, my name is Emily and live north of SF in Novato, CA. I have a 1971 T2 with sunroof. Trying to make it into more of a gaming bus than utility bus. I named it Willie after my dad (a nick name my mom called him). Willie has a new 2L engine so we are ready for adventures! Willie's body is in need of work and one day I may put some money in and do a full restoration. For now though, I'm happy not worrying about a ding here and there and we get from A to B so that is perfect!

I grew up in Mill Valley with VW's in my family my whole life and swore, when I was a kid, I would never own one ... but low and behold they are a part of me and I love them! Willie was my dad's last VW and after he passed I inherited the bus. My dad used the bus as a work vehicle and I use it for my weekend fun; drive somewhere with a nice view to have lunch in, cruise the backroads,  and recently I put a fold-out back seat in. Not the most comfortable fold out bed (do not recommend a rock-n-roll bed..) but for now it is what it is.

I love to drive up and down the CA coast and since I have recently put the fold out bed I have now overnighted / camped once. Soon a second time this weekend.  Everyone has a great VW story and they are always happy stories. I am happy when I drive it and I think of my dad. One time when I was a teen I took Willie, with a boyfriend and his friends, and loaded two motorcycles in the center of the bus! Handlebars out the sunroof! Motorcycles were not street legal so we had to get them to the hills where the guys could ride.

I'd love to find friends to hang out with and learn how to care for my engine or see what you're doing with your bus. I took auto shop in high school but I'm a bit intimidated to do much work myself. I'd love to learn how to do electrical work and get the radio working, or add a light in the engine compartment... Would be really fun to do some weekend cruises or weekend camp trips with other VW fans! I am also interested in longer roadtrips and slowly working myself up to that! I am on Instagram with my bus at rollinwithwillie 


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