VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

As a concerned citizen of these United States of America, and an equally concerned and caring member of the VW Camper family I feel compelled to bring an unnerving issue to light for my beloved brother and sister VW enthusiasts.


This being...that something is (and has been for years) happening in our national parks that the federal government is trying to quell. So what is happening you may ask? Alot (too many really) of people are going missing every year under some extremely weird and baffling circumstanses.


Before I continue let me state publically that I am of sound mind and body and NOT given to flights of fancy or fantasy! I would hate to hear of something foul happening to one of our members, when I could have brought this issue to light.


Here now is a link to the Rense radio show. The investigator/researcher David Paulides, is a former law enforcement officer http://youtu.be/S_q_CVK3yfo  as with anything in this world you decide. I just feel compelled to give warning as Mlady and I still plan on going on road trips and camp outs in the future now that Eleanor is back in service. Your thoughts please.

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Thanks for sharing as it creates an opportunity to communicate the need for good trip planning but I believe the guy is using fear and circumstance to  peddle his book. As an employee of NPS I read ranger reports daily. The people that "disappear"  or are harmed are either not well equipped (food/water/proper clothing) or lack the experience required for the terrain. As an example in one recent case a parent depended on faulty gps data and ended up on a jeep trail in a desert area miles from any services. Sadly, her son died through lack of water for the mutiple days she was lost. 

I note that many of those responding to this program believe guns in the parks are the answer or that rangers themselves are responsible. A complete slap in the face to the many park employees and volunteers who dedicate their lives to search and rescue. 

Dave thanks for the reply.

I agree that planning, planning, planning can and will prevent many unforeseen problems and help one to be prepared. For me being a former firefighter of 24 yrs planning and preparation go hand in hand, and has served me well both in and out of the fire service.

As to this individual using fear as a selling tool I at first thought this myself. But what struck a cord with me was the 'thing' about the shoes and how some of the bodies that were found with pants down and unzipped had happened at different parks and in the same fashion coupled together with the apparent run around during his FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests raised a red flag for me. Ive done the FOIA thing and yes it can be a pain in the neck and can be expensive, and even tho I was asking about semi sensitive material I never really got that kind of run around.

Being a paranormal researcher myself (from a biblical perspective) it took me several years to openly admit that there are indeed many strange and unnerving events that happen all around us on a daily basis. I believe it was Rense radio that he (the author) talked about armed US Army troops becoming involved in an upper state New York case in the 80's I believe it was. Being a former member of the USAF I found that in its self was most unusual to say the least. One constant that I also noted was that people who stayed together as in not becoming separated didn't seem to have too much trouble. It nearly always seemed to be the ones that had separated themselves from their group...near as I could tell.

 As to  what I believe...I felt compelled to put this information out there for folks to mull over and be aware of. As I stated in the opening of this thread Id hate to hear of a member of our camper family having had something foul befall them. We do live in a very strange and uncertain world sir, and I just wanted our brothers and sisters to be on alert is all.

In regards to NPS personnel I myself have always had very enjoyable encounters with them and I personnally have found them too be a wealth of knowledge and what struck me as odd 'humor' I can really appreciate a government employee that not only has a sense of humor/quick witt but can crack a joke off the cuff with the best of them!  Its always made me feel good about where I was at.

So kudos to you and your brothers and sisters sir. I do not question the quality of their service or commitment. Is their a cover up? Who knows really...only time will tell I suppose. I only wanted to make our VW family members aware that something is going on. Of this I am certain.

So in closing sir may you have big smiles and happy miles! Blessings to you and yours in this upcoming new year!



Link no worky.

Thanks for the heads up grady.

Yeah that is one of the drawbacks of internet 'links' they sometimes no worky. So here is one for ya matey. If this still does not do it for you just go to youtube and type in national parks disapperances...you'll get plenty of links and radio interviews to listen to.

Happy huning mate, and as always big smiles and happy miles too you!



 Always be aware of your surroundings, everywhere you go...Even if you are just shopping or getting gas.

   I always carry a pistol in the woods for good luck.   I personally would never explore, hike or camp without a firearm.

 Always follow your instinct about where you are....  I've bypassed many remote campsites because something simply gave me the creeps.

 Just my 2 cents :)


Absolutely bro!

I couldn't agree more. If  it or something  (anything really) just doesn't quite feel right...then don't do it!
I totally know what you mean by coming upon someplace and gettin the creeps! Even if your guests/companions are urging you to stop. We being the driver (more than likely) have the safety of our companions as our top priority I feel! Btw...I fully am in agreement with you about carrying a sidearm!

My wife will tell ya everytime we hear about someone missing or being attacked (by animal or human) the first thing I always say is "THAT is why one should always be armed and as heavily as is possible. I personally prefer .45 Cal semi auto pistol (Colt model 1911 is my dream pistol) but I'll settle for a modern ACP...something to be said for hard and heavy knock down ability! Thank you for your two cents...it is money well spent me thinks! ;)

Blessings and all the best to you sir in this new year! Stay in touch M8. As always...big smiles and happy miles!


Swiftriver said:

 Always be aware of your surroundings, everywhere you go...Even if you are just shopping or getting gas.

   I always carry a pistol in the woods for good luck.   I personally would never explore, hike or camp without a firearm.

 Always follow your instinct about where you are....  I've bypassed many remote campsites because something simply gave me the creeps.

 Just my 2 cents :)



     There's nothing like a good ol' fashioned pump shotgun in the bus.  Once someone hears the "cha-chink" they will realize they are lurking around the wrong camp. 

  I also set up "tripping hazards" around my camp.   I put bottles, sticks, chairs etc. around my bus so that anyone sneaking around while I'm asleep will knock something over and wake me up.      I don't have a dog, but that is probably the best camp alarm anyone  can have. 

 I always bring in my camp axe, knives, shovel etc....  I don't want them available for an attacker to use on me.

 I feel quite safe sleeping in my bus.....  Pretty hard to get at someone locked in a metal van with a shotgun.  



K=Kilt Btw.

Get out! Dude we must be separated at birth!

Bloody amazing I do all those things and I have a dog (Border Collie) whom I don't even have to tell 'guard!'
LOL!  Yeah bro bullets, blades and blunt objects works for me! Plus my good boy drake the perfect alarm system, he has this certain tone to his growl that starts kinda low and then intensifies as (he thinks) the situation warrants. To show you how anal I am I even post a sign that says "Armed camp!" seriously man.

Wow...I thought I was the only one that did these things. Good for you brother! As to your 'camp alarms' smart bro...very smart, and well done might I add. Well I needn't worry about you now do I? Lol.

Keep up the great work M8! Look forward to talkin with ya more.

Swiftriver said:


     There's nothing like a good ol' fashioned pump shotgun in the bus.  Once someone hears the "cha-chink" they will realize they are lurking around the wrong camp. 

  I also set up "tripping hazards" around my camp.   I put bottles, sticks, chairs etc. around my bus so that anyone sneaking around while I'm asleep will knock something over and wake me up.      I don't have a dog, but that is probably the best camp alarm anyone  can have. 

 I always bring in my camp axe, knives, shovel etc....  I don't want them available for an attacker to use on me.

 I feel quite safe sleeping in my bus.....  Pretty hard to get at someone locked in a metal van with a shotgun.  


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