VW Camper Family

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13th Annual Thanksgiving Warm-up and Food Fest

Event Details

13th Annual Thanksgiving Warm-up and Food Fest

Time: November 11, 2022 at 12pm to November 13, 2022 at 10am
Location: Sandy Beach Campground, Rio Vista, CA
Street: 2333 Beach Drive
City/Town: Rio Vista, CA
Website or Map: http://parkreservations.solan…
Phone: (707) 374-2097
Event Type: campout, and, potluck
Organized By: John LaTorre
Latest Activity: Nov 15, 2022

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Event Description

This is #13! It's time to be back together again to consume food and make merry! 

We are going back to Sandy Beach in Rio Vista, CA. This is our annual practice run and food fest  before Thanksgiving. Reserve sites soon as they may go fast if the sport fishermen/women come back this year.

It's a pot-luck, and I'll be roasting a turkey on-site. Electrical outlets will be available for people with hot pots and such,

Party Central will be at site #4. Bring food, wine, and wood (although wood may also be available on-site). 

Musical instruments are always welcome, particularly if accompanied by musicians.

As usual, I'll share my spot with another camper, and encourage you to to the same.

A few more things: the reservation section of the park's web site is a bit dodgy right now, and senior discounts aren't on the menu there. If you qualify, go ahead and reserve your spot at the going rate, and make contact with the park by phone to arrange a refund of part of the fee. The point is to grab your spot first, and settle the bill later.

The second thing: Note that all reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance of the date, and no "first-come-first-served" sites are provided anymore. But if you're late, look for the people willing to share a spot and hitch up with them. 

Third, all sites have electricity FOR FREE. Bring your electric heaters if you think you need them. (If you don't have one and need one, let me know and I'll bring one for you.) 

Brett made a little video about what kind of adapter you need if you want to use the AC outlets that are at every site (FOR FREE!). Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOF7aCUfwZ0

Lastly, be aware that there are wild critters (raccoons, feral cats, etc.) that will go into any open camper that you're not around. So be sure to keep your doors closed.

Comment Wall

Comment by diana harvey on November 8, 2022 at 8:29am

Im sharing a site with Gene.

Is anyone starting a menu for the pot luck?

 AKA Roxanne:) 

Comment by regis101 on November 8, 2022 at 9:50am

Half of site 5 is open for both days.  I would think that it should be made available to the first on the waiting list if there is one.  Seems fair.  

Comment by David and Yolanda Carmichael on November 8, 2022 at 12:29pm

Looks like Dave and I (Yolanda) will have to bail, darn it. We have a scheduling conflict on Saturday. You all have a wonderful time!!

We reserved site #9. I will plan on canceling tomorrow morning or open to suggestions for transferring to someone in the group.

Comment by regis101 on November 9, 2022 at 8:35am

Are we going to need additional tables for food serving or is the picnic table enough?  The weather should be just about perfect.  I don't think an EZup over the table is needed.  I'm bringing a turkey and a chefs knife for carving.   Along with two of the aluminum tub/tray things.  Plus perhaps a few packets of gravy mix for back up.  I'll bring extra paper towels.  And a box or two of wood.  I have some almond here at the house.  

Comment by John LaTorre on November 9, 2022 at 9:49am

Sorry to miss Yolanda and Dave. AS for tables, I'll bring a couple of folding tables so I think we'll be OK. I agree that there'll be no need for the EZ up. It will be cold, so I'll bring an extra electric heater for anybody who wants it. (All sites have free power.)

As it looks like now:

#4: me/the Boyds

#5: Regis/

#9: Possibly open

#11 Jane L/?

#18 Scott & Karla

And Gene and Diane are sharing another space... don't know which one

So it looks like there will be some spots open for latecomers. I hope to see you all there so we can eat and make merry.

Comment by diana harvey on November 9, 2022 at 10:21am

I'll bring mashed potatoes and stuffing. Gotta have that with turkey:)

I think Gene reserved site 15. He usually takes that site when it's available.

see you all soon:););)

Comment by Jane Lindsey on November 9, 2022 at 12:10pm

I am sharing the campsite (inherited from Kris) with Lev, so it's now: 

#11 Jane & Denise/Lev M

Comment by diana harvey on November 9, 2022 at 5:00pm

I made a mistake. Gene reserved site #14:)

Comment by Jane Lindsey on November 9, 2022 at 8:26pm

I'm bringing sweet potatoes, a pie and cranberry sauce. Also my friend in Rio Vista, who is joining us on Saturday is bringing her brussel sprout dish.

Comment by Jane Lindsey on November 10, 2022 at 10:51am

Also added - green bean cassarol and rolls.


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