VW Camper Family

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TrainSpotting 7-2016: Northern California

Event Details

TrainSpotting 7-2016: Northern California

Time: June 3, 2016 to June 5, 2016
Location: Twain, CA off Highway 70 near Quincy
Street: Highway 70
City/Town: Twain, CA
Website or Map: http://www.recreation.gov/cam…
Event Type: campout
Organized By: westywoman (Melissa)
Latest Activity: Jun 6, 2016

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Event Description

All sites have been reserved as of March 8, 2016. Please look at the comment wall to see who might be willing to share their site. For information on the Hallsted campground, the recreation.gov link is below:

Hallsted Campground

The Historic Feather River Railroad route runs on the opposite side of the river from the campground. Trains climb and descend the grade at all hours-you will be falling asleep to the rumble of the diesel engines and the squeal of steel wheels on the tracks. If you have never driven through the Feather River Canyon, it is a real treat!

100 FREE things to do in Plumas County:


Those looking for hot springs can find them a couple miles up the road. Formerly known as "Woody's", they are now associated with an RV and cabin establishment. I think you need to call ahead and there is a $5 fee. Details here:



Comment Wall

Comment by Bruce on May 27, 2016 at 5:13pm

I can make it from Sac to Quincy in about an hour :)

...maybe a little more :P


@Gene... If ya don't let me use your hot tub I will leave a present in the middle of the night... just sayin

Comment by regis101 on May 27, 2016 at 5:55pm

This year I'm down' all my shopping at the Twain Store. Firewood from the CG host I suppose.  

Ice, tasty bev's, meals, post cards, etc etc.  Support your local economy. Yeah!!

If this bombs out, I'll be the guy wearing a sign reading, Will shine hubcaps for food.

Alms for the poor.  Alms for the poor.  

Comment by regis101 on May 27, 2016 at 5:57pm

Oh and on a sadder note, my band broke up.  Yes. Yes.  Sad but true.

No more music from, YouStillSuk.  

Comment by westywoman (Melissa) on May 27, 2016 at 6:07pm

If the Twain Store doesn't have what you need, a 25 minute drive to either Quincy or Taylorsville will yield more yummy goodness. Quincy has a Safeway and a Natural Foods Co-Op and Taylorsville has a killer little market with some packaged organics, good store-made sausages and hamburger, and other meats and chicken.

Comment by regis101 on May 27, 2016 at 6:12pm

True.  True.  Not as much fun as nibbling through your pantry though.

Don't hurt me.

Comment by Denise and Brian L on May 27, 2016 at 8:41pm
Unfortunately, Brian and I won't be able to make it. My mother-in-law decided last week that she wanted to spend her birthday in Reno, which just happens to be over next weekend. :(

Barbara will still be there and she is open to sharing the spot.

We were really looking forward to meeting everyone! And I was looking forward to sharing my delicious vegan potato salad.
Comment by Jamez on May 28, 2016 at 7:29am

I noticed a valve stuck when I was adjusting them yesterday, I may have dropped a  valve seat, definitely stuck. Had to pull the head and bring it to my mechanic. Still planning on coming, but I'll know later today if I'll be in Homer or not

Comment by Joe on May 28, 2016 at 5:19pm
Joe & Corey are out. I have sent an appropriate replacement. If she follows through and shows up, please be nice to her, even though she drives a Vanagon.
Comment by westywoman (Melissa) on May 29, 2016 at 1:28pm

WTH, people are dropping like flies! What is going on? Did everybody get a better offer?

Comment by Denise and Brian L on May 29, 2016 at 1:45pm
Hardly!!! I would much rather hang with you guys but mother-in-law duty calls.


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