VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

TrainSpotting 7-2016: Northern California

Event Details

TrainSpotting 7-2016: Northern California

Time: June 3, 2016 to June 5, 2016
Location: Twain, CA off Highway 70 near Quincy
Street: Highway 70
City/Town: Twain, CA
Website or Map: http://www.recreation.gov/cam…
Event Type: campout
Organized By: westywoman (Melissa)
Latest Activity: Jun 6, 2016

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Event Description

All sites have been reserved as of March 8, 2016. Please look at the comment wall to see who might be willing to share their site. For information on the Hallsted campground, the recreation.gov link is below:

Hallsted Campground

The Historic Feather River Railroad route runs on the opposite side of the river from the campground. Trains climb and descend the grade at all hours-you will be falling asleep to the rumble of the diesel engines and the squeal of steel wheels on the tracks. If you have never driven through the Feather River Canyon, it is a real treat!

100 FREE things to do in Plumas County:


Those looking for hot springs can find them a couple miles up the road. Formerly known as "Woody's", they are now associated with an RV and cabin establishment. I think you need to call ahead and there is a $5 fee. Details here:



Comment Wall

Comment by westywoman (Melissa) on May 29, 2016 at 3:26pm

If you want to join us and do not have a reservation, contact one of the folks who indicate a "share open" directly to make arrangements. Or you may contact me.

Watching the forecast, looks like its going to be 90-ish (again). Come prepared. The upside of this is that it will be in the 50's at night and you can leave the sleeping bags at home!

Here's the latest site list as of May 29:

1 Jamez

2 Marty/(share open)

3 Bob Sh

4 Stephanie/(share open)

5 Michele & Doug & kids/friends

6 Barbara (share open)

7 Laura

8 Rick M & Family

9 (no reservations)

10 Scott

11 Melissa aka Westywoman/Cane Rattler

12 Mike/Blake & Shelby

13 Karen from LA?

14 Keddie Y & Clio T/Williams L.

15 Peter

16 Regis/Brett B

17 Bruce/Randy & son

18 Kris

19 John/(share open)

20 Gene/Dan

Comment by Doug Vincent on May 29, 2016 at 3:27pm

Oh we're still there!! Just spent this weekend at Stumpy Meadows and last weekend at Bus City..... see most of you all there!! ..... 

Comment by regis101 on May 29, 2016 at 5:42pm

Joe.  Can I have your raffle ticket for this years grand prize?


Comment by westywoman (Melissa) on May 30, 2016 at 10:05am

Volks, it is going to be VERY WARM again this year. We will probably be setting up John's big tent to provide a shady respite for those that need it. Those of you traveling in on Friday, travel as early as you can to beat the heat. Don't worry about check-in time-if for some reason they won't let you check in (doubtful, there's probably nobody there), there is some dispersed camping near the Twain Store. Follow the Twain Store road past the small RV park on your left and there is a free camping area in the national forest ahead. You can hang out there and get ice, cold beverages, sandwich and ice cream at the store until it is time to check in.

Consider bringing the following: misting spray bottles, battery-powered fans, camp chair easy to carry to the river, swimming attire, Easy-Up shade canopy, hats or visors, insect repellent (mosquitoes at dusk & dawn) and sunscreen.

We will have a potluck on Saturday if that's what everyone wants to do. Sorry, no prizes or swag this year. Your hostess with the mostest didn't get it organized.

The Hallsted Campground at Twain is at  2,858' in elevation, so no real big break from the heat. Be prepared and you will have a great time! See you there!

Comment by Bruce on May 30, 2016 at 10:21am

Do not worry about the swag... it's all about the company... now in regard to the heat... FML!

Comment by Randy January on May 30, 2016 at 11:15am
Come on Joe, we promise not to play Wagon Wheel!
Comment by Jamez on May 31, 2016 at 8:00am

Homer is back in action! see ya'll Friday.

Trying my best to get a new poster together..


Comment by Bruce on May 31, 2016 at 10:26am

Good work Jamez... maybe just relax and do a poster next year.

Comment by Jamez on May 31, 2016 at 11:18am

I might just change the dates on the old one :)

Comment by westywoman (Melissa) on May 31, 2016 at 12:42pm
Or you could change the colors of the two busses to red? Or the train engine? I dunno. It is pretty damn fine the way it is.


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