VW Camper Family

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Mike and I have been planning a trip to California Caverns, near Angel's Camp. I have never seen stalagmites and stalagtites and the other remarkable underground mineral phenomena, and I really want to go! While Moaning Caverns, etc. sounds more exciting, California Caverns is/are more generally accessible (for those of us such as myself, who is missing a significant amount of cartilage in the left knee and has a hardware store in the right).
As far as camping, Bigtreeway and Westywoman know the Gold Country camp areas near Angel's Camp way better than I. Anybody wanna go Jan 23-24?

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Marble Quarry is fine for an overnight. It was just September, so I remember it ok. :-) You can also ride the steam train at nearby Railtown 1897 in Jamestown.

Regis said:
A few years back, I stayed at a CG in Angels Camp. Frogtown fairgrounds or something. It was wide open. But there was electric hook ups. My memories are fuzzy thanks to the '70's
I would really like to attend whatever GTG you guys come up with at the Caverns. I love caves! Please post it as an event when you guys decide what's going on.
I like the BLM idea. Public lands are great to camp on. Take advantage of our public lands and enjoy them. Put them to good use!!!

Regis said:
I had a return call from the BLM land people. I discovered that there is BLM land right there. Could go stealthy, weather permitting. Might have to do a road trip to the BLM office for maps or maybe on line. They said it was no problem to camp for up to 14 daze.
C'mon. Snow camping and caving. What could be a better way to start the new year
Woot for BLM, caves, and snow camping! No need for snow tires, get some chains and warm clothes!
Sorry, I've been at work all day and hadn't researched any other camping options. We're aiming for Jan 23-24, but I hadn't posted yet 'cuz we didn't have a place to stay. I'm totally up for BLM land. So, Regis, the BLM land is "right there" where?
P.S. Recreation.gov website is down for upgrades

Shari Goforth-Eby said:
Sorry, I've been at work all day and hadn't researched any other camping options. We're aiming for Jan 23-24, but I hadn't posted yet 'cuz we didn't have a place to stay. I'm totally up for BLM land. So, Regis, the BLM land is "right there" where?
It's possible I can go to El Dorado Hills for a map in the next week or so. I have plans to be out there.
Roger that, Regis, it's Fricot City Road, according to the gazetteer. BLM doesn't show up but NFS isn't too far away.

Regis said:
I had to use two of my three Atlas' to get enough info so as to ask the BLM people. Basically, just south of Cal Caverns is Fricot Rd (sp?). This is pretty much the middle of the BLM area near the caverns. I mentioned our, or at least my, intent for a January outting to camp and go to the caverns. Didn't ask about fire permits or anything yet. I did go onto a Cal BLM site and it appears that the San Andreas map is the one that will cover this area. They can be had by mail . Or a trek to Eldorado Hills to the new office for a map. Obviously before going there, I'd call to see if they have the map. Also. this will cement that the San Andreas map is indeed the corret one. Their number is 916-941-3101. This is for the Mother Lode section of BLM
That would be awesome, Melissa. Maybe we could chip in and have you get a few different maps of desirable BLM destinations?

Melissa said:
It's possible I can go to El Dorado Hills for a map in the next week or so. I have plans to be out there.
Yeah, we have a honey pot, and I'm an orchardist's daughter: good with a long-handled shovel (and a long-handled axe, by the way, don't cross me). I would so rather camp on BLM land than have running water and picnic tables. P.S. We'll only be at approx 1100 feet --probably no snow, Hopefuly, we'll have new treads for Melville by then. We still have the seriously crappy tires for now but that might change by mid-Jan. And, when you see Mike, don't mention "cold, snow, chains, etc.," or he might jump ship. We have to find out the rules about camp fires. Sounds like so much fun to me!

Regis said:
There are stipulations such as the camp is to be just off the road. No bushwacking with your Bus. Pack it in pack it out. Bring the sweet pot and a decent shovel
The red California Gazetteer map by DeLorme is good at showing BLM and National Forest roads. I've learned that the Forest Service or BLM doesn't really provide more accurate maps than the Gazetteer, unless you go to REI and purchase the expensive ones, for $12 or so, which fold out. But usually, as long as you look at the Gazetteer and make sure you're on government land, its pretty easy to drive around and pick a good camping spot. The spots aren't official or anything - they are just little off shoots from the main forest roads where people have camped before. Maps won't show you such detail.
I came across a map not much more helpful than that. But there was a lot of "yellow" in the Calaveras Co. area. You guys are great.

Regis said:
This is a link to some land. Not much but there is some yellow.


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