VW Camper Family

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I really want an easy way to make great coffee. I would find it pure luxury to have instant hot water available in my van ( Like from the tap). If any one has any ideas I would love to hear it. I tried to get my husband to install a Keurig single serve pod coffee machine but he says no go.
Currently I think boiling water and using a french press is the best I do.

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I think that we can work on your husband. Tell him that the rest of us already have Keurig single serve pod coffee machines installed in *our* vans.

It only takes a few moments to boil a pot of water . I just use a #4 cone, some decent ground coffee and call it a day.
I was really being lazy and wishing for instant access. While I know driving around with a kitchen is very convenient I was imagening something like this machine http://www.keurig.com/minibrewerBlack.asp installed to run off our 2nd battery. Even though they claim it's for rvs and boats you need to be able to plug it in. Since it would only work at an RV site with power I am probably better off with boiling water and a french press. I still will look for instant hot water out of a tap. (without dragging out contraptions) I hoped to permanently install the kuerig mini. It heats water in less than 3 minutes. So I know I ask for the moon. : )
I do Thank you for your feedback.
I have tried them all in 18 years of Westying. French press or percolator= too messy to clean up. French press is the messiest. Single #2 cones with filters are awesome & easy to clean up- just dump it in the fire or trash (its actually compostable). I, do, on occasion, use an espresso maker (from REI). A little bit of mess easily wiped clean with a paper towel and tossed into the fire.

Of course, coffee or hot water on demand would be incredible.
You can demand hot water, but it'll still take me about ten minutes to heat it up. Be patient.
You could go the really expensive route of installing a tankless water heater in your bus - http://www.plumbersurplus.com/Prod/Rheem-Tankless-Water-Heater-RTG-...
Then you'll have hot water on tap all the time! This is provided you have money to blow, a propane tank, and water storage already. It would be cool though!

Otherwise, we use a french press and just boil water on the stove.
Patience has never been my best virtue. Maybe the real issue is that in the last year I broke my wrist, had a titanium plate and 7 screws added and than shoulder surgery in november. I guess my real issue is digging around in cabinets. Maybe a year from now I'll think it was as silly an idea as you do.

Joe Ehrlich said:
You can demand hot water, but it'll still take me about ten minutes to heat it up. Be patient.
I have an old type perc type coffee maker that everyone raves about. Just fire it up the Westy burner and go for it. Makes two cups at a time. Only draw back is I think it takes a lot of propane to get hot. When I get the solar panels up and going with the inverter I will have my little two cup 110 volt Mr coffee going. half the time.
This is by far the best way to go http://www.sonocoffeebeans.com/Coffee-Presses/Aerobie-Aeropress.html
Thanks Peter and Joe
I have been looking through all the great reviews this gets and am very tempted to buy it. I have had 2 surgeries on my right arm this year. Does it require much strength?

The Canterbury's said:
This is by far the best way to go http://www.sonocoffeebeans.com/Coffee-Presses/Aerobie-Aeropress.html
Thanks Peter and Joe
No it does not take much effort at all.
westywoman said:
... Single #2 cones with filters are awesome & easy to clean up- just dump it in the fire or trash (its actually compostable)...

I'll second the motion for the #2 cone with filter. I find what makes the most difference is to start with good quality coffee. Since I'm limited to de-caf, I use Starbuck$ Sumatra Decaf. Otherwise I would still be using Starbuck$ Gold Coast blend.
Thought everyone would get a kick out of a site I stumbled across today:

Highway One Coffee



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