VW Camper Family

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I did this when I lived on my sailboat in San Diego and it worked GREAT! 1200 watt inverter with a charge control/monitor and two 75 watt panels with six,6 volt golf cart batteries.On my westy only one panel. One more panel just adds more amp charge. I have one deep cycle marine under the bunk with one 75 watt panel,two would be better but no room. This will run a coffee maker or toaster. Now I just need to find a very small, low wattage draw microwave and then you have instant junk food.My rear heater core was leaking so I got rid of it and that's where I placed the inverter.

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Here's a pic of ours (smaller than yours):

and here's a link to the description of it:

(the hyperlinks aren't showing up in the preview ... I hope they show up when it gets published)
So, no links.

Here's the pic: http://www.oddstray.com/westy/solar/solarpanel.jpg

And here's the description: http://www.oddstray.com/westy/solar
Very nice read you sent about your system. Solar is so simple and you gain so much. I really don't know why more people don't use it. I had a 23 ft motor home once with two panels and the same set up and could have literally removed my generator! I like National Parks and there kind of strict about sound levels. So that was one reason for going solar.Not to mention the noise level they put out is my kind of noise level.
Thanks,Michael....driving the white Maytag:)

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