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BAD NEWS hijacked & have nothing left but the clothes on our back! THIS IS NOT A JOKE!!!

Bus Friends of Mine were traveling threw Mexico and friends that were traveling about a week ahead of them were Hijacked and then others were after that.  Please be careful out there.  Please read there e-mails and keep yourself informed.

So Scary


Copy and pasted email from there travel blog spread the word lets keep our friends safe.

pray for them all to get back to Canada safely.

—–Original Message—–
From: jm vanderbyl <mjvanderbyl@hotmail.com>
Subject: HIJACKED!!!!
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2010 11:14:02 -0400

BAD NEWS  We have been hijacked & have nothing left but the clothes on our back!  THIS IS NOT A JOKE!!!
We were leaving Rosies in Cd. Victoria  and were about 1 hour away near
the km 57 where the road splits & separates for about 1 mile or
2—near the lake.  -The road was blocked  and bandidos        with guns
and machine guns threw us out of our vehicles.  We were travelling with
Dave & Joyce.  They took off with our trucks and campers.  Left us
in the ditch.   5-6 truckers went by but refused to stop.  The
Federales  3 cars just happened to come by 5 minutes later.  Spent the
day at their office. 
We figured the bandidos cased us out at Rosies and let their gang know
we were coming.
It was too well planned to be randomly done at 9:40 a.m……….
We were not physically hurt but emotionally…….
When you travel out of here, we recommend you travel behind a big truck
or doble remolque so they don.t have a chane to block the road.  Or else
use another exit into US.
And now the paper work has started…..not a very fast or easy business.
We are still in Victoria.  trying to get to Monterrey for passports,
etc.  and flight out of MX.  with 2 dogs.
safe travels.  We thank God we are ok.
Michelle & Jack
Dave & Joyce
ps  send this to all travelling in MX friends.

—–Original Message—–
From: jm vanderbyl <mjvanderbyl@hotmail.com>
Subject: news from us
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 10:48:56 -0400

well, the federal police came yesterday and told us they had found our trucks and trailers.
Still hooked up!  So we have to go with them & check them over.  !!!
We have no idea if there was damage done but we expect it won t be a
pretty scene!
We will still have to go Monterrey to get new passports.
Will keep you up to date as soon as we know more.
Thank you everyone for your messages, your prayers and your
ps.  There was another Canadian couple who got hijacked yesterday 15
kms. south of Victoria.  Brian & Connie from Ontario.  The police
contacted us so we had supper with them & offered advice &
support.  There are now 6 Canadians stranded in Victoria!!!
safe travels!
Michelle & Jack
Dave & Joyce

Looks like the days of safe travel in mexico are over !  Sad, very sad from all points of view.


Frank, Rita & Hunter

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Here`s their travel blog
That's terrible to hear about! And they never recovered their vehicles. I would probably fight tooth and nail for my Westy back if someone took it from me. This is why I travel with protection.
Folks, here are updates I have received from Jack & Michelle.

19/04/2010 7:44:37 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

We have been home for more than 1 week now & we now have new reading
glasses, a temporary drivers licence, a temporary health card ,
a new Visa card, a new library card, etc......New passport coming on

When people ask me how I am, I answer, " ALIVE"!

And we are getting over the "fog" of the first few days home---the
adrenaline had stopped flowing & we had gone into neutral......

We hired a Spanish -English translator who translated our ORIGINAL bill of
sale for truck & trailer---bought in Sept. 2002.
Last Thursday, we got these sealed by our lawyer (son-in-law), also by the
Foreign Affairs & we showed up at the Mexican Embassy
& asked them to put their seal on these papers. The lady asked us to wait
a moment & the consul came & asked us why we wanted
these sealed. He asked us to follow him to his office when he heard the
word "bandidos"...... He then asked us to come back in 1 hour
& he would have all documents ready for us.....I guess all the media hype
had reached him too......
(for those of you who did not see the Canadian Press article, google
VanderByl & Mexico......)

One hour later, we were talking to Mr. Ambassador of Mexico to Canada. He
made 2 phone calls to Mexico & actually raised his voice
at one point.... He then promised us he would do everything he could to
get our vehicles released....
The next a.m. he was phoning
to tell us that the documents we had left with him---original bill of
sales---would be sufficient!
So we have hope! But the MANANA mentality also exists at the embassy

But today at lunch, the consul still had not sent these documents.....so
Jack told him to hold on to them as he will deliver a key for
the truck to be delivered to our attorney at the insurance company. She
has power of attorney on the truck & trailer so that when they are released
she will have the truck & trailer to the GM dealer so they can repair the
front bumper.....Who knows what kind of state the transmission is on the
truck ????.....

So that's where we are at......Yesterday, we celebrated one of our
grandsons' 4th birthday....It was so nice to do something NORMAL!!!!!!

Thank you for your emails, your good thoughts, your prayers, your phone
calls. Greatly appreciated!

Michelle & Jack

20/04/2010 1:02:08 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Thanks for the contact of Cdn Press photographer. We now believe that the
Cdn Press article which ran EVERYWHERE in Canada
was a big help in getting the 1 hour interview with the Ambassador.

Dave & Joyce flew home to Niagara Falls the day after we flew home.
We couldn't accomplish anything anymore down there.
All of us are hoping for a vehicle release...soon??!!

Safe travels--- J & M

08/05/2010 1:25:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

After our visit at the embassy, on April 23, we were very hopeful.....but
nothing happened!Last week, we were very discouraged--nothing had happened!
On Monday, Jack sent an email to the Mexican embassy &that got the ball
Thanks to the Mexican ambassador in Ottawa, our truck & trailer were
released from the army compound on Tuesday!
On Wednesday, no news.
On Thursday, we learned our vehicles were at a garage getting assessed for
On Friday, we received by email, an authorization sheet to be signed to
allow for repairs.

Jack let the insurance company know that he will be there on the 18th &
everything has to be ready.
So when he will be taking the vehicles through US customs--he will ask for
the vehicles to be searched
for drugs & arms. Then he'll be driving home--he estimates it will take
him 5-6 days.
I will not be going.

Jack's hip surgery is scheduled for May 31st. in Kingston. We have 3
appointments in May in Kingston before surgery.

We will let you know about any new developments!

M & J

Finally HOME!
For those of you who were following this story , this seems to be THE END
! Unbelievable !

Jack, the truck & the trailer are home!
He arrived last night at 5:15p.m.
3600 kms from TX-MX border in 3 days!
Everything went well.
Although Jack is very tired,
he is very relieved that the vehicles are finally parked in the yard !

Enough adventure for a while!

Michelle & Jack
I don't think this is their website is it?

Kathleen Hines said:
Here`s their travel blog
Hi Michelle and Jack,
I'm so pleased you are okay and that you got your vehicles back. I was driving on my own for six months all the way across the USA, from Oregon to Massachusetts in a 71 Westy that I purchased on eBay. I had so much luck and met the most wonderful people here in the USA. I wrote about my travels (and am still writing about them) on my blog. The THANKS page best of all shows how much goodness is out there. I almost went t Mexico but decided a woman on her own was too much of a target. Maybe this page and others will give you a happy read .... http://yeswecanjourney.wordpress.com/thanks-to/

There are also many photos on the Van's Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Millbury-MA/The-YesWeCan-CamperVan/20...

Hope you have more wonderful trips in the future. Please send me your travel blog url. The one shown here isn't about you.

Best wishes,
Carole Brown

Kathleen Hines said:
Finally HOME!
For those of you who were following this story , this seems to be THE END
! Unbelievable !

Jack, the truck & the trailer are home!
He arrived last night at 5:15p.m.
3600 kms from TX-MX border in 3 days!
Everything went well.
Although Jack is very tired,
he is very relieved that the vehicles are finally parked in the yard !

Enough adventure for a while!

Michelle & Jack

Kathleen Hines said:
Folks, here are updates I have received from Jack & Michelle.

19/04/2010 7:44:37 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

We have been home for more than 1 week now & we now have new reading
glasses, a temporary drivers licence, a temporary health card ,
a new Visa card, a new library card, etc......New passport coming on

When people ask me how I am, I answer, " ALIVE"!

And we are getting over the "fog" of the first few days home---the
adrenaline had stopped flowing & we had gone into neutral......

We hired a Spanish -English translator who translated our ORIGINAL bill of
sale for truck & trailer---bought in Sept. 2002.
Last Thursday, we got these sealed by our lawyer (son-in-law), also by the
Foreign Affairs & we showed up at the Mexican Embassy
& asked them to put their seal on these papers. The lady asked us to wait
a moment & the consul came & asked us why we wanted
these sealed. He asked us to follow him to his office when he heard the
word "bandidos"...... He then asked us to come back in 1 hour
& he would have all documents ready for us.....I guess all the media hype
had reached him too......
(for those of you who did not see the Canadian Press article, google
VanderByl & Mexico......)

One hour later, we were talking to Mr. Ambassador of Mexico to Canada. He
made 2 phone calls to Mexico & actually raised his voice
at one point.... He then promised us he would do everything he could to
get our vehicles released....
The next a.m. he was phoning
to tell us that the documents we had left with him---original bill of
sales---would be sufficient!
So we have hope! But the MANANA mentality also exists at the embassy

But today at lunch, the consul still had not sent these documents.....so
Jack told him to hold on to them as he will deliver a key for
the truck to be delivered to our attorney at the insurance company. She
has power of attorney on the truck & trailer so that when they are released
she will have the truck & trailer to the GM dealer so they can repair the
front bumper.....Who knows what kind of state the transmission is on the
truck ????.....

So that's where we are at......Yesterday, we celebrated one of our
grandsons' 4th birthday....It was so nice to do something NORMAL!!!!!!

Thank you for your emails, your good thoughts, your prayers, your phone
calls. Greatly appreciated!

Michelle & Jack

20/04/2010 1:02:08 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Thanks for the contact of Cdn Press photographer. We now believe that the
Cdn Press article which ran EVERYWHERE in Canada
was a big help in getting the 1 hour interview with the Ambassador.

Dave & Joyce flew home to Niagara Falls the day after we flew home.
We couldn't accomplish anything anymore down there.
All of us are hoping for a vehicle release...soon??!!

Safe travels--- J & M

08/05/2010 1:25:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

After our visit at the embassy, on April 23, we were very hopeful.....but
nothing happened!Last week, we were very discouraged--nothing had happened!
On Monday, Jack sent an email to the Mexican embassy &that got the ball
Thanks to the Mexican ambassador in Ottawa, our truck & trailer were
released from the army compound on Tuesday!
On Wednesday, no news.
On Thursday, we learned our vehicles were at a garage getting assessed for
On Friday, we received by email, an authorization sheet to be signed to
allow for repairs.

Jack let the insurance company know that he will be there on the 18th &
everything has to be ready.
So when he will be taking the vehicles through US customs--he will ask for
the vehicles to be searched
for drugs & arms. Then he'll be driving home--he estimates it will take
him 5-6 days.
I will not be going.

Jack's hip surgery is scheduled for May 31st. in Kingston. We have 3
appointments in May in Kingston before surgery.

We will let you know about any new developments!

M & J


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