VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

Bus City 2015 - the Seventh Annual VW Bus Gathering in the Redwoods, Guerneville, CA

Event Details

Bus City 2015 - the Seventh Annual VW Bus Gathering in the Redwoods, Guerneville, CA

Time: May 15, 2015 to May 17, 2015
Location: Schoolhouse Canyon Park
City/Town: Guerneville, CA
Website or Map: http://vwcamperfamily.com
Event Type: campout
Organized By: Big Blue's Driver
Latest Activity: May 24, 2015

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Event Description

PRICING INFO (per night):

Campsite - first 2 people and 1 vehicle - $35
Extra people $5 per person
Extra vehicle $5
Dogs $5  - no Pit Bulls or aggressive dogs
Late Checkout Fee $5 per person
Day Use / Visitor Fee $5 per person or dog
Electricity $5
Seasoned Firewood Bundle $6
Hot Shower just 25¢ per min.
Forms of payment: Cash only

Also- there is a little bit of tax for the state and county.

NOTE: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS RESERVATIONS FOR THIS EVENT. Simply RSVP here so we have an idea on how many might show up and then show up! No worries!

For those of you who have been, you know why you come back.

Schoolhouse Canyon Campground
12600 River Rd, Guerneville, CA 95446

NEW IN 2015:
Breaking my rule about me not organizing anything during the campout, we will be announcing the winner of the Schoolhouse Canyon Park / VW Camper Family "Adventurer Award". The award will be awarded to the bus that drives the most miles between Bus City 6 and Bus City 7. Buses must be present at the campout in 2015 to win!

Also Schoolhouse owns 30 acres across the street and a private beach just for the campground. It's just a five minute walk down the river trail. So bring your swim suits!

Comment Wall

Comment by Mark and Donna on May 19, 2014 at 8:54am

This was a BLAST in 2014...can't wait for next year. Great folks, a super cool collection of VW Campers, excellent location...thanks Big Blue's Driver!

Comment by barbara sklar on May 20, 2014 at 6:59am

Wouldn't miss it. Great people, wonderful campground

Comment by Kris Flores on May 26, 2014 at 7:08am

Had  a great time!  Looking forward to it :) 

Comment by Bruce on June 23, 2014 at 8:30pm

So looking forward to this again!

Comment by Ruben Ramirez on November 20, 2014 at 9:30pm

had a great time in 2014 can't wait till 2015 

Comment by Les Paw on January 28, 2015 at 9:58am
Hello! Any routes or caravans planed for the drive up? I'll be driving up from Bakersfield, CA
Comment by Brian Rush on January 31, 2015 at 1:31pm

Looking forward to our first attendance, but don't understand how there can be no reservation for sites.

Comment by Alex Witz on February 2, 2015 at 11:24am

We are looking forward to attending another Bus City!  We missed last year but will enjoy this year. 

Comment by Big Blue's Driver on February 5, 2015 at 10:05pm

Brian - they open up a week early just for us. There are plenty of spaces and we are the only ones that show up. They don't officially open until the next weekend. We are their "test run" before opening up. So they don't worry about reservations and we don't either. You'll see when you get there.

Comment by Brian Rush on February 7, 2015 at 11:47pm

Sounds great!


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