VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

I'm always searching for the name and website of this mighty VW resource, so I thought I'd list it here .... http://www.type2.com/rescue/

Then I got to thinking how good it would be to share our stories of guys on the AIRS list. Would be nice also to sing their praises, and remind ourselves once again of the uniqueness our VW family, wouldn't it?

Can't wait to read your contributions.

Happy touring and camping everyone,
from Carole

(Me and The YesWeCan CamperVan are in Provincetown, Cape Cod, MA for the summer - all VW visitors welcome)

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I used the list when I developed generator problems while driving through Oregon. When I called the contact in Salem, I found that in the year and a half that he was on the list, I was his first caller.


What I needed was a source for generator brushes, and he told me where to go to find them. So the story had a happy ending, and I'm glad that the list was there as a resource.


I might add that I've been on the list now for close to three years, and have never had a call (except from a friend who was driving through Sacramento, and I don't think he even consulted the AIRS list ... he just knew how and where to find me).

VW Camper Family = New AIRS list
From whc03grady to Carole & the 'Yes…
Sent 9 hours ago

Did you actually have any contact with people on the AIRS list? I ask because can't imagine it's at all current. I've emailed to change my location several times now and nothing; no reply, no change, nothing. If my experience is at all typical, it must be largely out-of-date. 



From Carole & the 'Yes… to whc03grady
Sent 8 hours ago

I did find some out of date records, yet also got some help. I wrote to the AIRS site about how helpful and nice I found JP in Albuquerque.

I have heard of others who drove across the States getting good help, too. Maybe we can work on an updated list on here with Big Blue's help?

I think BB's D is implying that the VW Camper Family site itself  perhaps already is, functionally, the new AIRS list. Which seems reasonable to me.
My implication exactly. We can all update our own info and reach out to each other. Perfect for planning that once in a lifetime adventure. Or, if we ever make it to Maupin...

whc03grady said:
I think BB's D is implying that the VW Camper Family site itself  perhaps already is, functionally, the new AIRS list. Which seems reasonable to me.

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