VW Camper Family

A camping forum for VW bus and camper owners.

Hello,  I am new to the Camper Family.  I am currently planning a trip from my home in Seattle, Washington to Birmingham, Alabama.  I own a 1997 Eurovan Camper.  At this time I plan to travel East on I-90 to Sioux Falls and then on down south to Kansas City, St Louis, Nashville to Birmingham.  I would appreciate any information pertaining to good camping spots and mechanics along my route.  I plan to visit Yellowstone and the Badlands area also.  Any additional recommendations appreciated.  I will be some limited by my fellow traveling companion, Della the Doberman.   My plans are to make this a leisurely trip traveling the entire month of June.  Hope to hear from you with your recommendations.  Carol   

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Dear Carol, I wish you much luck and wonderful adventures. I have not traveled this route so am unable to offer any specific advice on campsites  or mechanics. There is the AIRS list at http://www.type2.com/rescue/ for type 2 mechanics but since yours is a Eurovan I am not sure if this would offer the same help. As for camping, the most affordable are the bureau of land management sites. Personally I 'stealth' camp, i.e. free camping in an assortment of places, like store parking lots, dealerships, behind churches, schools and offices .... and on residential streets with curtains open. Even with my large van signs this year, I still manage this.

In 2010 I drove my 71 Bay window 9000 miles in all from Oregon to CA and then across I-40 to OK, up to St Louis and then across MI, OH, NY to MA where I live. Starting last November I've driven 6000 miles so far, from MA down the east coast to Charleston SC, across GA, AL, LA, MS, TX , AZ and into CA. I'm currently in the SF area. See http://vw4causes.org I wish we could sponsor you for the trip but we have no funds. If you'd like to carry our logo though, we'd be honored. See the website for more information, or send me a message here. I'm also on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/carole.brown1

Thanks Carole.. I will give your reply a look a bit later today.  I do so appreciate hearing from you all with travel  experience.  

Carole & the 'YesWeCanCamperVan' said:

Dear Carol, I wish you much luck and wonderful adventures. I have not traveled this route so am unable to offer any specific advice on campsites  or mechanics. There is the AIRS list at http://www.type2.com/rescue/ for type 2 mechanics but since yours is a Eurovan I am not sure if this would offer the same help. As for camping, the most affordable are the bureau of land management sites. Personally I 'stealth' camp, i.e. free camping in an assortment of places, like store parking lots, dealerships, behind churches, schools and offices .... and on residential streets with curtains open. Even with my large van signs this year, I still manage this.

In 2010 I drove my 71 Bay window 9000 miles in all from Oregon to CA and then across I-40 to OK, up to St Louis and then across MI, OH, NY to MA where I live. Starting last November I've driven 6000 miles so far, from MA down the east coast to Charleston SC, across GA, AL, LA, MS, TX , AZ and into CA. I'm currently in the SF area. See http://vw4causes.org I wish we could sponsor you for the trip but we have no funds. If you'd like to carry our logo though, we'd be honored. See the website for more information, or send me a message here. I'm also on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/carole.brown1

Hope these suggestions aren't too late for you.

Just drove from Cabo San Lucas to Toronto Ontario in 6 weeks, and paid for camping just once in Bryce Canyon NP, it was just too far to drive out of the park for the night. Someone mentioned 'Stealth' camping, I like the term. We fly 'under the radar' all the time and in 2- 1/2 years we have only been moved on once, and even at that the kind police officer recommended another location. Stealth is the key: we don't put our table and chairs out or make it look like we intend to take up residence! We try not to park next to single family homes, but apartments and high rises are fine and commercial properties are even better. Marina's are good and often you can buy a shower while you are there. Our preference is of course quiet, dark places, with little traffic, but occasionally beggars can't be choosers.

But on your road trip, why don't you get a little more creative on your route. Life is about the journey not the destination. get yourself a NP pass and get your money's worth. That's also where you will meet like minded travelling people. I guarantee a more fun journey if you take some of the more scenic roads. The US has everything in terms of stunning vistas. In the last 2 1/2 years we have been in 43 states with hundreds of lasting memories. Next month we ship Pumper to Europe. Just 'Living our dream'. www.rweethereyet.com 

Hi Stephen,
I used the term 'stealth camper' AND I am flying to my home country of England later this week. I'd love to meet if you'll be there this summer. Perhaps you can make a note of my email and let me know - caroleiod@gmail.com
Or post a comment at http://vw4causes.org


Stephen Robbins said:

..... Someone mentioned 'Stealth' camping, I like the term. We fly 'under the radar' all the time and in 2- 1/2 years we have only been moved on once, and even at that the kind police officer recommended another location. Stealth is the key: we don't put our table and chairs out or make it look like we intend to take up residence! We try not to park next to single family homes, but apartments and high rises are fine and commercial properties are even better. Marina's are good and often you can buy a shower while you are there. Our preference is of course quiet, dark places, with little traffic, but occasionally beggars can't be choosers.

....... Next month we ship Pumper to Europe. Just 'Living our dream'. www.rweethereyet.com 

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