VW Camper Family

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Train Spotting 4-2013 Northern California

Event Details

Train Spotting 4-2013 Northern California

Time: June 7, 2013 to June 9, 2013
Location: The Feather River Canyon-near Quincy, Northern California
City/Town: Twain, in Northern California
Website or Map: http://www.recreation.gov/cam…
Event Type: campout
Organized By: westywoman (Melissa)
Latest Activity: Jun 12, 2013

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Event Description

Train Spotting will return in 2013. We will be going back to the Feather River Canyon-Hallsted Campground in the Plumas National Forest.  Hallsted has been refurbished and "improved" with new bathrooms with showers (!), a second path to the river, 7 sites now have electric hookups, sites are shifted around, there are new site furnishings, etc. There is also one pull-through site for a large RV. It sounds really nice but will be different from the forgotten little campground we are used to. Reservations now available at:


The Historic Feather River railroad route runs on the opposite side of the river from the campground. Trains climb and descend the grade at all hours-you will be falling asleep to the rumble of the diesel engines and the squeal of steel wheels on the tracks. If you have never driven through the Feather River Canyon, it is a natural and cultural resource treat!

100 FREE things to do in Plumas County:


Comment Wall

Comment by Swiftriver on April 28, 2013 at 12:20pm

 For anyone using hook-ups... There is a 30amp socket, and a "normal" 120v household socket on the power boxes.

Comment by westywoman (Melissa) on May 10, 2013 at 9:41pm

OK folks, chime in if you have reserved a spot, whether you want to share or not. There is no shame in wanting your own spot.

Comment by regis101 on May 10, 2013 at 9:41pm

The second half of 15 is available.  Pull in.  Set up.  Save me a bit of room.

Comment by Gene Burris on May 11, 2013 at 8:18am

Half of  18 is available.

Comment by Diana on May 11, 2013 at 9:52am

I just booked site 19 and am willing to share.  I'm new to this group - my first event will be Bus City.  Looking forward to meeting everyone.

Comment by westywoman (Melissa) on May 12, 2013 at 12:45pm

HIGHWAY 70 TRAFFIC ALERT from the Sacramento Bee, May 12:

Safety improvements to Highway 70 in Plumas County will result in continuous one-way traffic in the Feather River Canyon causing up to five-minute delays. The project includes guardrail upgrades and installation of four earth retaining structures between Cresta Dam and the Rock Creek Bridge.Caltrans installed a temporary traffic signal last month and expects to install a second one in July or early August, Coder said. The lights allow one-way traffic in the construction areas.

Cresta Dam is just east of the three tunnels. I think Rock Creek is east of the Cresta Dam.

Comment by Kris Hansen on May 12, 2013 at 3:37pm

My half is also available to anyone who needs it.

Comment by westywoman (Melissa) on May 22, 2013 at 7:56pm

Is it too early to start the potluck discussion? Historically, we have had a potluck group dinner Saturday evening. Is this a tradition volks want to continue? Weigh in with your thoughts here. If we get positive feedback, then we'll start a general list of what campers want to bring to the table.

Comment by John LaTorre on May 23, 2013 at 9:06am

I'm in. I can make my usual three-rice dish, or some chili.

Comment by Diana on May 23, 2013 at 10:27am

Sounds great. I can bring pork chili verde and tortillas.


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